❤ Confidence Is Key! ❤

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🍭Matilda's new outfit above🍭

The next day, all five women were prepared to start going on a tour of the factory. All of them were going the extra mile to make themselves seem beautiful.

The first four silver ticket winners stood in a line in the hall waiting for Mr. Wonka. Except for Matilda...

Matilda sat in her room and smoothed out her blue floral skirt for probably the thousandth time in the last five minutes. She was so nervous, she was about to tour the factory with the Willy Wonka and a bunch of other girls! Her social anxiety was sky-rocketing! What if she did something wrong? What if she said something stupid? What if the other girls thought she was a dizzy twit? Or worse, what if Willy thought she was a dizzy twit?

Oh God! Matilda thought. What am I even doing here? All the other silver ticket winners have something to offer! Clarrisa's charming, Elvira's pretty, Vicky's strong as an ox and Miranda's a genius! What the heck do I have? The ability to bake a cake? Any fool can do that!

Matilda decided to go socialize with some of the other girls in the hallway. Maybe if she socialized with some of them, she'd make a friend and feel better about the contest. That way she wouldn't feel alone which would put her nerves at ease.

Matilda walked out to the hallway where the girls where staring into their compact mirrors and fixing their makeup. She immediately felt out of place, all the girls looked stunning in their designer clothes and heels. While Matilda was wearing black pantyhose with a blue floral skirt and a purple sweater, all of which made her stick out like a sore thumb. She felt like an ugly duckling in a lineup of elegant swans.

Might as well shred my ticket and head home! Matilda thought to herself.

The girls turned to look at her and began to snicker and mutter comments among themselves.

"Honey, we're hanging out with Willy Wonka, not Grandma" Clarissa Clump told her.

The girls grinned and giggled.

Matilda forced a small smile as her heart sank into her stomach. She turned around and walked fast-paced back to her room, while blinking back tears.

Charlie peeked out of his office door from down the hall. He had overheard everything and his heart went out to the sweet and shy Matilda. She was a good person and never did anything to these women. Charlie of all people knew what this felt like...

"Would you like some chocolate?" Augustus had asked him.

"Sure!" Young Charlie had answered.

"Then you should have bought some" Augustus shoved another peice of candy into his mouth.

"Why hold onto it?" Young Charlie had asked Violet. "Why not start a new peice?"

"Because then I wouldn't be a champion, I'd be a loser like you!" Violet had glared right through him.

Charlie sighed "Poor Matilda..."

Charlie knew Matilda was the right girl for Mr. Wonka! He could tell her intentions were pure and her kindness was genuine. The rest of these women fretted over trivial, meaningless things, but Matilda was just thankful to be there! And lucky... just as he had been.

Charlie hated going behind Mr. Wonka's back and being deceitful and trying to cheat, but he knew Matilda deserved this, he was going to help her. Besides it wasn't actually cheating, all he really needed to do was give her a dose of confidence and then she'd shine all on her own.

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