🏋Vicky Glockenberry and Miranda Piker🔬

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🏋Vicky Glockenberry in Photo Above 🏋

"I'm starting to think this was a bad idea, Charlie..." Willy Wonka said with a small amount of regret in his voice. Turn's out third time isn't the charm.

Willy, Charlie and the rest of the Bucket family were watching the news report on the third Silver Ticket Winner, which was a very muscular woman named Vicky Glockenberry.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wonka" Charlie told him "but we can't go back on the contest now."

"What if we announce that I'm very, very sick?" Willy asked "Let's tell them I have Small Pox!"

"Sir, that disease was wiped out years ago" Charlie informed him.

"Well... we'll just tell a little fib and say it was never wiped out in the factory?" Willy suggested.

"I don't think that'll work, sir" Charlie sighed "Even if it does, the health department will circle us like vultures."

"But none of these woman are my type!" The Chocolatier cried.

"Well, not all of us can be B positive?" Grandma Georgina told him.

"That's his blood type, Grandma Georgina" Charlie explained.

"How did she even know that?" Willy whispered to Charlie.

"I have no idea?" Charlie shrugged.

Meanwhile in Florida, a news anchor called Michael Sanderson was interviewing Vicky Glockenberry as she ran on a treadmill in her living room. She had two blonde ponytails in her hair, muscular arms and a six pack of abs on her abdomen!

"So Miss Glockenberry, you say you intend to show Mr. Wonka that you'll be wearing the pants in the relationship?" The anchorman asked "Any comment on that?"

Vicky wasn't even out of breath from running on the treadmill when she answered the questions.

"I like to be in charge of my life and no scrawny little candy creep is going to change that!" Vicky said, angry and full of rage. "I just hope that little twig man can keep up with me! I hope all that sugar gives him energy, he's going to need it with me! Ha!"

The anchorman followed Vicky as she dropped to the floor and began doing quick-paced sit ups.

"Anything you'd like to say to the public and Mr. Wonka himself?" He asked her.

"To the public, stay fit like me or get bit by me!" Vicky said, not even breaking a sweat. "And to Wonka: I'm coming for you, choco-holic!"

Mr. Wonka's jaw dropped. "I am not a choco-holic!" He said "I make a large assortment of candies and chewing gum's as well!"

"A coffee drinking rabbit couldn't keep up with that woman!" Grandpa Joe said "Best of luck, Mr. Wonka!"

"Thanks" Willy told him "I think I'll need it."

"This just in! The fourth silver ticket has been found by a woman named Miranda Piker in Boston Massachusetts!" The Television announced.

The news focused on a young woman in a yellow sun dress and thick-framed glasses, her hair was done in a pixie cut. So far she seemed like a perfectly normal woman:

 So far she seemed like a perfectly normal woman:

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