🍭Matilda's Arrival & Meeting Wonka!🍫

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🍭Matilda in photo above🍭

After traveling all night long and not getting any sleep on the plane, Matilda finally made it to England. Now she just had to hop into a taxi and get to Wonka's Factory by ten A.M. As Matilda stepped off the plane, she made sure her Silver Ticket was still in her pocket, unfortunately somebody spotted her taking it out of her pocket. And that somebody was a reporter...

"There she is!" He yelled "There's the last Silver Ticket Winner!"

Matilda was soon crowded by news reporter's, camera men and news anchors. It was really overwhelming, they shoved their microphones in her face and snapped photos of her.

Would it kill them to turn the flash off on their camera's? Matilda thought, trying to see from the flashing lights.

"Can you tell us your name, miss?" One reporter asked.

"Uh... Matilda Hartman..." she answered nervously. She had always been really camera shy!

"And you're the fifth and final Silver Ticket Winner?" A reporter woman questioned her.

"I guess I am" Matilda said, shrugging.

"And is there anything you'd like to say to the public and Mr. Wonka himself?" One man asked her.

"Oh... um... well, to the public I would say thanks for taking the time to listen to this interview and to Mr. Wonka, I guess... thanks for giving me this opportunity and see you soon!" Matilda smiled halfheartedly.

She then ran away from the news-hungry crowd, got her luggage and hurried off to grab a cab.

As Matilda's cab drove away from the airport, she sat back and sighed. This was it, she was going to spend a week in Mr. Wonka's Magnificent Chocolate Factory and for once she felt like the weight of the world was off her shoulders. That maybe her luck had changed for the better. Maybe... just maybe...


Willy Wonka, on the other hand, felt as if the weight of the world was balancing on his head. As he got ready that morning, he was beginning to worry that the fifth Silver Ticket wouldn't be found in time. The other four women were coming today but there still wasn't any news of a fifth ticket being found anywhere in the world. He was hoping someone that was at least half decent would find the fifth one...

Suddenly Charlie knocked on his door.

"Mr. Wonka! Come quick! The fifth and last ticket has been found!" He said through the door "They're announcing it on the radio!"

Willy rushed out of his room and ran with Charlie to the nearest radio. Sure enough they were talking about the fifth Silver Ticket Winner.

"This just in, the fifth and final Silver Ticket has been found! And just in time, today's the day Wonka's Factory gates will open for the first time in thirteen years!" Announced the radio reporter. "We were able to get a brief interview with the lucky young woman as she stepped off a plane just an hour ago! Her name is Matilda Hartman and when asked if she had anything thing to say to Mr. Wonka she replied with this: "To Mr. Wonka, I guess... thanks for giving me this opportunity and see you soon!"

For the past week when Willy heard an interview for a Silver Ticket Winner his heart sunk with disappointment. But something about this woman's voice made his heart flutter with joy. And her name, Matilda... it was so beautiful and sweet! Maybe Matilda was the one? He didn't even know her yet and he admired her.

"Mr. Wonka?" Charlie said "it's 9:57, we better open the gates."

"What? Oh, yeah..." Willy said, snapping out of his daydream state.

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