puritan belief in afterlife

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make me less human
turn me into something pure

consumate power
absolute grace
amazing ability
to save me from myself

come and rescue me
from evil itself
I shall not be tainted ever again

make me less human
turn me into something pure

views of gold
marvelous skies
bright colors beyond control
that reach for me in the dark

in the middle of the night
when I feel the most
this burden of mortality
has me trapped
gets me lost

make me less human
turn me into something pure

infinite light
mark my way to you
show me the right path

redeem al my sins
mercy that washes away
all my incapabilities
for what I must behave

make me less human
turn me into something pure

change my destiny
save me from hell
make me worthy of your love
and the kingdom where you first fell

salvation to be accomplish
opportunity to being honor
to your name

make me less human
turn me into something pure

extremely sacred

heaven is hidden in your fingertips
heaven in feeling your soft lips
heaven is wherever I am with you

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