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simple beliefs that
can not longer be held
faith in grace that
will never be lost

wish I could recall some highlights from my yearning to believe
even – or perhaps especially –
when I know there is
nothing else to entertain such belief
but you

you are my religion

seek you in prayer
and look for you as you are
my true everlasting savior
a bright and shining star

insist on a literal acceptance
of your interpretation
let me become a stumbling block rather than a stepping creation

you are my religion

reveal your plan for the world
and humankind
in ways that address my mind
and heart

with powerful images of beauty
and forgiveness

choose me and let me
become your own possession
for the purpose of manifesting
to the world your redemptive plan

mightiest act on behalf
indeed obey your voice
and keep covenant
I shall be your most treasured possession amongst all people
win the prize they all coveted

let me serve to your purpose
delight in it
and rejoice to hear
that this truth will never fade

you are my one and true religion

because you are the one
that has been making me complete
you are the only type
of faith I need

you taught me what it means
to be redeemed
and forgiven
as we now live in the glory
of my creed

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