Pirates In The Palace!

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"Hell's teeth!" Mr. Gibbs exclaimed "Now we're all headed for prison!"

"Not to worry! I've paid off the driver..." Captain Jack told him "Ten minutes we'll be outside London Town, horses waiting, then it's just a matter of finding a ship."

"All part of the plan, yes?" Gibbs inquired.

"Exactly!" Jack told him, breaking out a flask of whiskey. "I arrived in London Town just this morning to save one Joshamee Gibbs from one appointment with the gallows. Seeing as how you're still alive, I'd say it's all been very successful thus far." He passed the flask to his first mate. "What happened to you, Gibbs?" Jack asked him. "I thought you were employed elsewhere or otherwise engaged?"

"Aye" Gibbs passed the flask to Maggie. "But I always listened like a thief for news of the Black Pearl. Nobody's seen where she might next make port."

Jack nodded taking the flask from Maggie before she could get a sip. Maggie pouted.

"Then, I hear a rumor!" Mr. Gibbs said "Jack Sparrow's in London with a ship and looking for a crew!"

"Am not" Jack told him.

"But that's what I heard" Mr. Gibbs said "Fact is you're signing up men tonight. Pub called the Captain's Daughter."

"Am not!" Jack told him.

"And speaking of the Captain's Daughter..." Gibbs looked at Maggie "Another rumor states that Maggie Sparrow held up a Sweet's Shop just last night."

"No, I didn't!" Maggie told him "I mean... I would've, if I had the time! But I didn't!"

"Well, I thought it a bit odd" Gibbs admitted "but then again, you two were never the most predictable of sorts."

"There is another Captain Jack and Maggie Sparrow out there sullying our good names?" Jack asked him.

"Two impostors" Mr. Gibbs told him.

"But..." Captain Jack "Imposters with a ship..."

"And in need of a crew!" Mr. Gibbs added.

"Which as fate would have it..." Maggie glanced at her father. "...So are we."

"What about you, Jack?" Gibbs asked, grabbing a map beside Jack. "Last I heard you were hell bent on finding the Fountain of Youth. Any luck?"

Jack seized the map back and told him "Circumstances arose, ensued and forced a compelling insight, regarding discretion and valor..."

"Meaning ye gave up!" Mr. Gibbs said.

"Actually he's just putting it off!" Maggie rolled her eyes.

"Both of you are wrong!" Jack told them "I'm just as bent as ever! Hellishly so! I shall taste those water, Master Gibbs. Mark my words!"

The wagon then halted to a sudden stop.

"Oh! Short trip!" Jack said.

"Seems a little too short to me..." Maggie told him.

Captain Jack opened the doors to the prison wagon and stopped dead in his tracks.

Instead of being outside London Town like Jack said, they were in the middle of the Courtyard of St. James Palace! And instead of horse waiting to take them away, there was rows upon rows of British soldiers with their rifles pointed at them!

"Now I'm not gonna say 'I told ye so'..." Maggie said to her father.

"Thank you, Dear" Jack told her.

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