A Flustered Logan?

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(bold is a lie or sarcasm, when janus is speaking)


Logan and Janus were having a debate. It was a usual pastime for them. They'd choose a philosopher to diss or defend, and argue for hours. Currently, Logan was dissing Aristotle. "He thought humans were made of four elements, for star's sake! How can you claim that he was smart?"

"Well, my dearest nerd," Janus started, "We must first consider the fact that he was living, quite literally, in ancient times. Obviously, they had all the technology we have." Logan sighed and rolled his eyes. "No need to get sarcastic. Moving on..." He continued with his next point, waving around his hands agitatedly.

Janus watched with a growing smile. Logan has always been, and will always be, his favorite side. He watched as the logical side grew more and more worked up. Suddenly, Logan paused, and turned to look at him. "Stop smiling at me like that, I keep messing up my sentences."

Janus looked back at him for a second, then burst out laughing. "Lo, I-" He was interrupted by a second round of giggles. Logan just stared at him, incredulous. "Janus?"

"Did I- Did I manage to fluster you, Logic?" He giggled.

"I- wha- pardon?" Logan stuttered, stumbling back, "What do you mean, 'fluster' me?"

His giggling subsided, and he sighed. "Good lord, you really are oblivious. It's nothing of importance, carry on."

Oh, this would take a lot more time than Janus would have preferred. Ah, well. You know what they say, patience is the key.

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