Death, A New Beginning || 4

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It was nearly dark when they arrived near the city. They had nearly missed it too. Exhaustion and the absence of light made it harder for them to keep their eyes focused on their mission.

Luckily, they could still see houses made of brick accompanied by several trees standing tall in some places. There was also a man, doing his job by patrolling around. Making sure no one would enter the village. Strange that there would only be one man, but good for them.

Turning her head towards the boys of the group she spotted two identical mischievous smiles that mirrored her own. She felt Ro's sigh next to her and saw her head down, slowly shaking side to side.

I don't like where this is going...


"Okay, so turned out we made it." Nessie said, brushing strands of her hair to the back.

"It's a miracle really." Cay whispered, a bit out of breath.

"Well, we literally knocked the guard out cold, so not really." Ro reminded

"Come on, let's just go find this Marshall." Dax said, gesturing towards the people around them.

They tried talking to people, but almost all of them ignored their presence. They were probably disturbed by the four adolescent idiots running around talking to people while being ignorant of the plague.

But luckily, someone finally answered their question.

"Marshall Howe, eh? It's weird how you don't know his place. You know what, never mind, just go follow this street and then you'll eventually find his cottage on Townhead Street." The passerby answered. He pointed towards the long road ahead of them. Pun unintended.

"Thank you." Nessie said and they started walking.

In the middle of their stroll, She saw Ro staring intently at a person, or more specifically a man wrapped in a cloak. He noticed Ro's stare and immediately pulled his hood up to hide his face. He was trying to disappear from her sight but there was no way her younger sister would let him do that. Nessie smirked, as she watched Ro zoom past her to catch up to the man

Dax, seeing her go by herself, worried. He looked back at Nessie and asked silently if she would be okay with them both leaving.

"You better come back with her," she pointed her finger at him. "We'll wait for you two at the Marshall's cottage." She shooed him away.

After seeing Dax disappear around the corner, she jogged to catch up with Cay. She patted his shoulder.

He turned his head, "Dax's off with Ro then yes?"

She raised her eyebrows. Apparently, her little brother has been paying attention more than she had been giving him credit for.

"Yes, she's chasing after trouble, as usual." She grinned at him.

"You could have gone after her with Dax you know?"

She waved her hands, " Nah, I think Dax can handle our wonderful sister."

Cay scoffed, muttering what sounded like 'sure that's the reason?'. She whipped her head around and stepped in front of him, putting both her hands on his shoulders.

"Hey! Listen," she forced him to look at her. "I did not, not go with them because I don't trust that you can go on your own. It's because this way maybe we can cover more ground, and be more efficient." She would never admit she wasn't willing to leave him on his own.

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