Author's note (Book Ending & Next Book)

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Author note.

Yay, finally the book / prologue is done. Thank you for those who are reading this book. We really appreciate it

As we have said before, this book is a prologue, and the next book is already in writing. The next book will have all the Doctor Who characters. Hopefully. Yes I'm talking to you Owlie. no procrastinating.

Hopefully by reading this book you get a feel of what the OCs are like and what kind of adventures they had before they meet the doctor.

Of course this isn't a back story about the ocs. That will come in a later book, hopefully.

We know our stories are not that good yet, and it might not be historically correct or the grammar is not really good, but bear with us. We are learning while we're writing.

Ooh and if people are wondering about their ages (body age / appearance wise) . We would say, Daxton is about 19 years old. And Nessie is younger than him by one year. That means she's 18. Rohanna 17. Caiden is also 17.

WE DO NOT OWN DOCTOR WHO! we are simply playing in the world that has been created and we're exploring all the what if's.

Our next book is : Us Against The Universe

Its basically Doctor who with our OCs thrown in the universe, doing who knows what. Maybe saving a few people, maybe destroying the timeline.

It's going to be a series of maybe connecting oneshots (maybe not) of the lives of this small family.

🌙Owlie & ☀️Eagle

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