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His story; her story {part 2}

 "Thanks Hyemi. I wouldn't have met Kibum without you." My friend, Hara chimed thankfully. Yes, I introduced her to Kibum. But I never knew they'll like each other.

 I like Kibum for years now.

 But I gave him up to a friend. It's not that bad; as long as they're happy. I'll just lie to myself if I say that I want them to be together at all. There's a part of me, a small part of me who wishes them to break up.

 "No problem, Hara." I can move on anyway.


 Fortunate for them, they are now dating for two years. I can see that Hara really loves Kibum. We've been friends for years and I know how much she cherishes him. It's been different from the past lovers she had. Hara is a beauty and she could just leave anytime but she never did. Whenever they argue, or  whenever Kibum does something off, she never let go. She stayed. 

 Same goes for Kibum. He was that type of guy who gives up easily. If you break up, he'll find another girl as if he was changing clothes. But he never did.

 I am proud of myself for bringing them together although there are times that it stings my heart. Kibum was my first love. To be honest, he still has a soft spot in my heart. His name still has that small impact on me. Whenever I bump onto him through the hallways, it still feels different. My heart wasn't beating but, I know he didn't leave. He hasn't left yet. 

 Or maybe he never will.

 They said first love never dies. 

 I hope not. 

 There are times I avoid hanging out with them. It's just too awkward. Good thing I have a lot of friends. I could always make alibis. Saying I'm hanging out with them or something. 

 But still, I regret nothing. If I confessed to Kibum, there's no guarantee that he will like me back. There's no guarantee that I could make him happy like Hara does now. Everything surely happens for a reason. If it didn't happen, then it was not meant to happen. Better things will come, I believe. 


 "I still like him. A little." I confessed to my walking diary, Sunyoung. She knows a lot about me, like more than what my other friends usually know. She’s that kind of person who forgets unnecessary stuffs easily. She just doesn’t overthink things.

 "I know. You were crazy about him. Remember those days when.." Well, she remembers but she wouldn’t randomly bluff about it on random intervals. Or on those times she doesn’t necessarily need to talk about it.

 "Shut up." I can't let her continue. "I want to slap my two years ago self too you know."

 "That's what you get from being too much of a good friend."

 "So now it's a bad idea to be a great one?"

 "Ugh. Enough. We have talked about this before." She ended the conversation. She does not like arguing with me.


 "Sunyoung-ah! Hyemi-ah!" Our friend, Chae Ri called out. "Guess who the new student is?" She wiggled her eyebrows. "Who?" I inquired. "Is he handsome?"

 "Jinki! Lee Jinki!" She shouted. "Really? Where? I want to see him." I was excited to see him. They were always talking about him and I don't even know who he is. I am so curious!

 "He's from the other class with Kibum and Jonghyun!" Chae Ri knows a lot, huh? "Aigoo! Sunyoung is blushing." Chae ri teased. She really was blushing. Hard.

 "You like him that much?" I asked.

 "I don't like him anymore since he's attending our school now. You'll just humiliate me in front of him!" She enlightened.

 "Okay. Since you said so~" I sang.


 "Hyemi-ah!" Hara called. This is rare. Since we changed classes, she don't talk to me that much anymore. "Why?" I said as I step out of the classroom, towards Hara.

 "I want you to meet someone!" She pulled me to their classroom. I saw Kibum sitting on a chair and he's with a guy, sitting on the table accross Kibum. He was holding a guitar and I pressume he was tuning it.

 "Oh, Hyemi-ah. Hi!" Kibum waved his hand on me. There weren't butterflies but it was different from others. His move was special to me in some way. "Hi." I said weakly.

 "This is Lee Jinki. New student." Hara introduced. "Jinki, this is my friend, Hyemi."

 "Hi, I'm Choi Hyemi. Nice to meet you." I bowed.

 "I'm Lee Jinki. Nice to meet you too." He bowed back.

 Lee Jinki? He's the one Chae Ri and Sunyoung were talking about! Not bad, Sunyoung. She should have talked to him back then. What a waste.


 Since the day Hara introduced Jinki to me, we’ve been constantly contacting each other. That day, he asked for my number and we constantly talked on Kakao talk. Well I know that he didn’t do it on his own inclination, maybe Kibum asked him to do it.

 Kibum has been asking me to go out with different guys, along with Hara. They are trying to pair me up with different guys. May it be Lee Taemin or Kim Jonghyun.

 I just didn’t feel like having attachment to guys, yet. But maybe I should give it a try. I mean, Jinki is a nice guy in my point of view. It’s been a week since we met but, I don’t think it’s he’s not that much of a bad person.

 Oh yeah, maybe Sunyoung and Chae Ri knows about him.


  “Sunyoung-ah” Sunyoung and I were hanging out as usual. We’re on an Ice cream parlor, savoring our own cups of ice cream. “What do you think about Jinki?” She looked at me with widened eyes as I place down my cup.

 She looked back down and stuttered “Wh-what do you mean by that?”

 “You know, we’re talking for 2 weeks now and I think he’s a great guy. I’m starting to like him too. What do you think?” She almost choked when I said that. “Hey, you okay?” I queried as I pat her back.

 “I think he’s a nice guy. Go for it.” She said weakly; almost inaudible.

 “Really? If you said so then I will!” I beamed.


 After a month of talking, Jinki started walking me home. We got to know better too. He likes making jokes, sly jokes. Some were funny, some weren’t. There are times that he’s serious, quiet, and mysterious. I think that mysterious part of him is what I like the most. I want to know him better; I want to know what’s in his mind or what his past is about.

 I also got to know his hobbies and interests. There weren’t much things that we like in common but I like the music he makes. I like the sound of his acoustic guitar. There are times he plays guitar for me and sings for me. He wrote few songs too. He once told me that he write songs for his crushes. Jinki also revealed that he’s currently writing a song now—which means he likes someone now—and I just hope that it’s for me.

 Well you know, just hoping.

 I’m ready to love again.

 I am starting to trust Jinki.

 He won’t hurt me.


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