Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I honestly love the fan accounts I follow on Instagram. Post yours in the comments so I can go and follow them!!

Luke quickly glanced away from Max and tried to grab the microphone but only succeeded in knocking the stand to the floor of the stage and causing the stadium to erupt into fits of laughter. He grimaced at the fallen mic and then bent to pick it up, only succeeding in causing his guitar to wail as his belt caught some strings. Calum came over and helped the poor flustered boy, sending a wink to Britt but looking just as surprised as Luke when he noticed Max. The only person who wasn't surprised by the blond's presence was Michael because he is a sneaky sneak and got her here on his own. Luke messed up his quiff, he could practically hear their stylist screaming back stage about how hard she works on that blond masterpiece but Luke didn't care. He was unbelievable nervous because now instead of telling a camera how he feels he will be telling Max how he feels.

Yikes. Naomi was still pretty pissed at her boyfriend for leaving her but she was still screaming as they started to introduce themselves. Seeing as Luke was currently completely tongue tied both with embarrassment and fear that he would let it slip that Max is here and then Jack would take her away again so Ashton jumped in. The curly headed boy smiled sweetly at his girlfriend, causing the crowds to shriek in excitement because they had just recently stumbled onto Jac and Ashton's relationship. Surprisingly, just like with Crittum and Maomi, the 5SoSFam ships Jacshton hard. Despite the age gap, management allowed Ashton to stay with Jac, like Ashton actually cared because probably after today they would be finding new management.

"Hi guys!" His Aussie accent blaring through the speakers of the stadium, "We're Five Seconds of Summer and we are so very happy to be here again. As you all know we were here just a few months ago and I can't wait to rock with you guys again!" Luke blushed pink at the mention of months ago and Max just giggled. "I'm Ashton and I bang on the drums!" Wrong thing to say because Jac blushed profusely and the crowd erupted in cat calls and Ashton laughed out loud. "All of you dirty minded people need Jesus!" He declared still laughing, unable to control himself and winking at Jac.

Calum jumped in once the crowd had stopped imagining Ashton banging on the drums, grimacing slightly as his own mind produced a disturbing image he didn't ever need to have in his mind. "Hi I'm Calum and I sometimes sing and dance a little. Mostly pretend to play the bass!" This got the crowd laughing and shouting because everyone knows Calum is a fucking God at the bass. A couple girls shouted at once to him and he flashed them a smile before blowing a kiss to Brit. Max worried the petite girl would pass out, they had been dating for months now get it together girl! Max was glad she had come with Michael, she was working on her trust issues and starting with Michael and working her way up to Luke was a good plan of attack she thought. Weeks ago Max would have never jumped on a plane with Michael because Luke was apparently "Kidnapped by a crazy manager!"

Jac was ecstatic next to Max, she was so happy to see her best friend and to have her happy and healthy. When Michael called her from the Connecticut airport saying he did something stupid and needed her help Jac wasn't sure what to expect but her best friend was not the first thing that came to mind. The boys had all decided that Luke's happiness was too important to them to let him continue being miserable and they all liked Max a lot so they didn't want her to be sad either. Max had to borrow some of Jac's clothes, actually it was Max's clothes that she had stolen during the months they lived together and Max felt more at home in her ripped up band tee and skinnies. She put on a bunch of bracelets and was pleased that her scars were very small and faded. The fresh ones she had applied a lot of ointment to on the plane and was hoping they would heal quickly. She didn't want to add to the rumors that surround her and Luke.

"I'm Michael and I'm from Middle Earth! I love sleeping in my man cave and dying my hair." Michael shuffled his hand through his now strawberry colored hair and Max giggled because who doesn't love sleeping and honestly she felt as high as a kite. Michael showing up and telling her what was going on had shown her that Luke really did care about her. He tried to anyways and she knew he was scared to be truthful with his fans so she was going to be more understanding.

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