Chapter Seven

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Dedicated to Woopsiehemmo cause she is pretty cool! :D 

Two updates in two days! BOOM!

Unknown to Skyscraper
"Hey Skyscraper ;)"

Skyscraper to unknown
"Hey Maxamillion!"

Maxamillion to Skyscraper
"Awe tht was too cute *blushing* can you tell Curly to stop being cute because Jac won't stop giggling at her phone."

Skyscraper to Maxamillion
"Will do, what are you up to?"

M to S
"*sigh* watching Brian and Christopher make out and wanting to explore but I can't cause Jac is here. #MotherhoodProbs"

S to M
"You're going to the special guest performance at one right?"

M to S

S to M
"Have Christopher and Brian put you and Jac on their shoulders, look for me and Curls."

M to S
"Okeydokey? ;)"

Max smiled at the texts, she had honestly only text him to ask if Fletch was a nice guy or not but they got off topic when he called her Maxamillion.

She had never had a nickname before other than Max. Her dad was really old fashioned and a pain, declaring that her name was Maxine and nothing more nothing less. Max went by the shortened version of her name just to spite him.

Robert said that they would find them at the special guest performance at one and a quick glance at the clock on her phone revealed that it was a little after noon.

Jac was still giggling and Max rolled her eyes at the cute girl, she was glad that her mind was off Marcus but Max worried that Fletcher might be looking for only a hook up. Jac doesn't realize that not everyone has good intentions in the world.

"Come on nerd we are going to the plaza for the special guest, separate the couple I'm gagging at the cuteness." The boys pulled apart, blushing at being caught in the act of shoving tier tongues down each other's throats. Max just giggled and the four all cleaned up a little, Max telling them all about Robert's request and the boys were more than happy.

Christopher thought it would keep the homophobes off their backs and Max assured them she would murder anyone who said anything.

The whole way to the stage Jac wouldn't stop talking about Fletcher. "He's just so sweet, he asked if we could hang out after the performance, he said he will take me to the School Boy Humor show, please can I go Max I know you wanted to go to the Good Charlotte tribute." Max thought about it, she really didn't want to go to the School Boy Humor show, but she didn't feel comfortable leaving Jac with a stranger.

"Look, Humor and Good Charlotte start at three, this show is over at two so we will hang out with them after and if I think he checks out then ya, I will go to Charlotte by myself and you can go with Fletch." Max conceded and Jac lit up like a Christmas tree in delight.

"Maybe you and Skyscraper could go together." Max just blushed and kept walking in the hot Ohio sun.

They were close to the barriers, they could have been at them but Max had been worried about Jac and she was a bit claustrophobic herself. A man with heavy sleeve tattoos and a few piercings wandered onto the blank stage. They weren't giving us any hints, I had heard it was maybe Greenday but I doubted it. Even the drum kit was generic and I assumed the band would bring their own guitars.

"Freaks and Geeks of all ages and genders. My name is Circ and I am your ringmaster for the Warped Tour." The crowd went nuts, Max and Jac screaming and making the poor boys with them cringe.

"Now I know everyone is dying to find out who the guest performers are this year to kick off the East Coast circuit of Warped Tour 2015!" At the word "dying" many in the crowd "dropped dead" Max dragging Jac down on top of her to keep the crowd from crushing her.

"Please help me welcome, world famous and touring around the east coast for the next few months." Max was getting excited, her grin so big it hurt.

"Their hit single She Looks So Perfect rocked you last summer, they are here again. 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER!" Everyone jumped to their feet and the girls screamed once more because NO. FUCKING. WAY!

A single guitar chord sounded and onto the stage raced the Aussie band and all hell broke loose. People were pushing at the barriers, everyone loves 5 seconds of summer. They brought real music to modern pop and the fans of bands like All Time Low learned to love the "boy band."

Christopher squatted down and Max climbed carefully onto his shoulders with Jac doing the same on Brian. There were a lot of people up on shoulders but with the boys being pretty tall and the girls being pretty tall they were above everyone else. Max was taking pictures like crazy as Luke took to the mic.

"Hello Cleveland and welcome to Warped Tour! We are so incredibly honored to be here as the secret guest performers and have loved meeting all of you. Just like you we will be going to the shows and can't wait to see all the bands. Now without further bitching, let's rock!" Luke started to play on his guitar, the sounds edgier it seemed for the crowd they were playing for. Michael and Calum took their places and Ashton smashed on his drums.

Jac smiled at her best friend who looked on top of the world when she felt as though someone was staring at her. She turned her attention back to the main stage and Ashton Irwin was staring at her. RIGHT. FUCKING. AT. HER! Jac couldn't believe it when he winked at her she thought she would pass out. Jac went to grab her best friend's arm and was surprised to see the smile had faded from her face as she watched her heart throb perform only around thirty feet from them, Max was a huge Luke Hemmings fan and she loved the boy a lot but Max didn't look too thrilled.

The band performed She Looks So Perfect, Wrapped Around Your Finger, Don't Stop and Good Girls, the whole time Ashton was winking at Jac, or so she thought but it could have been anything and Max was staring at Luke but not with adoration like Jac would have thought. Max looked pissed, she looked like she did when she found out her ex boyfriend had been lying to her. But Jac couldn't figure out what was going on and was kind of upset that her best friend hadn't ejnoyed it as much as she had when Luke announced that they were done and that they hoped to see everyone around the festival.

Max especially didn't look too happy when a large man in all black came and found them, asking them to come with them and led them to the gate that lead behind the stage. No Max did not look happy at all.

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