Chapter Twelve

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If you guys wanna check out my other fic Fight Me I wouldn't be upset ;)

Luke had tried to keep Max from going back to the girls' campsite for as long as he could. After the concert Luke couldn't keep his hands off of Max. He gripped her hand, his fingers laced in hers while they walked. Everytime they would stop Max would lean into the tall boy with a look of total bliss on her face. She was still riding the high from the concert that she counted as her very first concert because she had been too pissed to enjoy the Five Seconds of Summer concert.

"I can't even fucking see where we are going!" Max grumbled and Luke just leaned down to place a chaste kiss to her temple. They had been walking with the mass from the Good Charlotte performance for about twenty minutes and thanks to Luke's giraffe genes he was sure that they were no where near the girls campsite. Luke was kind of happy about this because he knew that Jac was probably there and that Ashton wouldn't be there. He knew that Jac would tell Max that Ashton had hooked up with her and then ditched and Luke knew Max would kill him, right then and there and probably use his corpse to beat Ashton with.

He didn't want to ruin this feeling, the memory of being with Max for the day. The whole day he had only been recognized a handful of times and every time it was just for a quick picture and then they left, but Luke would notice that every time a girl would approach them for a picture Max would look very interested in something in the distance and make herself disappear until they left. When one particularly chatty girl finally left him alone he pulled Max back to him.

"Why do you do that?" He asked and Max blushed at being caught but quickly tried to play dumb to the situation.

"Do what?" Luke just groaned with a roll of his eyes and drug Max to a nearby pavilion because the sky was darkening and he didn't want to get caught talking in the rain. He made sure his hood was secure on his head because his quiff took fucking forever to make and he didn't feel like redoing it because it got ruined in the rain.

Max didn't want to sit, she wanted to get back to the campsite, ensure that Jac was safe and sound and then maybe cuddle with Luke. Max had concluded that her feelings for Luke were purely physically driven and were simply caused by the fact that she hadn't been with anyone for over a year and having someone hold her hand feels nice.

Luke's big blue eyes searcher her face before sighing, "Why, when other girls come up, do you run away or act like you don't know me?" Max winced because yes she does do the reason why is embarrassing.

"I had an ex boyfriend, it was stupid." Her voice was bitter and hard, "He would have all of thes girls all over him all the time and if I told him it bothered me he would slap me. He would tell me that I was lucky that he even dated someone like me. That I was just jealous and to keep my mouth shut because he could do what ever he wanted and I couldn't stop him. The sad thing is that it's true. I didn't want him to stop loving me, I didn't want him to leave. I was in a bad place then and I thought his "love" could save me, but he never loved me and I knew it. But every time he came back he would just use and abuse me before leaving again and I craved the attention and affection so much that I accepted that twisted fate as what love really is. I was so stupid." Max put her head in her hands, her voice filled with disgust at the boy and herself for being so pathetic.

She peaked through her hands and waited for Luke's face to twist in disgust at her. She had never told anyone any of this and here she was telling Luke Hemmings about her issues. "I'm so sorry Luke, I am so stupid. I can't believe I just did that, I just whined about my problems to you and you probably don't care about my shitty past. God I'm so sorr-" Luke had grown tired of her trying to apologize and hated himself for letter her take his silence as judgment so he did what he had been wanting to do all day.

Luke kissed Max, hard and sweet. She gasped into his mouth and Luke chucked before pulling back and smiling at her blush.

"Wh- why did you do that?" She asked, short of breath and Luke placed a kiss on her forehead before pulling her onto his lap and into his chest. She fit against him so nicely.

"Because you don't deserve anything short of a man's full caring and devotion Maxamillion, I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I wish I could take your pain away." He kissed her again and Luke was proud of himself for coming up with the speech, Max seemed to buy into it and he was certain he would win this bet for sure. But when Max started kissing him back all of his thoughts left him. For a few moments Max didn't feel like Luke was using her; Luke didn't feel like a famous musician or the guilt of using Max; they felt like a normal couple, kissing, at the place they had met.

The sky finally broke, call it Ohio weather, and some of the chilly rain blew under the pavilion and crashed into the kissing teens. They sprang apart and Max laughed at Luke's expression while pulling out her phone to check the time. It read six fifteen.

"Shit." Max shouted over the torrent of rain and sprinted off into the rain. Luke tried to keep up as best he could but he had gotten a late start. Fortunately he knew where she was heading and the pit of dread in his stomach grew and he hoped that Max wouldn't kill him too slowly.

Damn it Ashton.

Max didn't slow or stop running until she skidded into the camp and found it Jac-less. Luke noticed the absence of the small brunette and wondered briefly if she was still with Ashton. He pulled out his phone while Max searched both of the tents and found that Christopher and Brian were still away as well. "How's the bet going? ;)" He sent to Ashton with a wink and his own cheeky grin. He returned his attention to Max and realized how thoroughly panicked the girl was. Her flannel was drenched and clinging to her curves, the top buttons having come undone and her blue and black lace bra was peeking out the top. Luke stifled a groan at how low her shorts were hanging on her hips and how he wanted to put his hands on the smooth strip of skin that was revealed from between her shirt and shorts. She looked at him with big, worried gray eyes and her hair was curling slightly in the dampness of the rain. Her lips were still bright pink and a little puffy looking from kissing. She looked wrecked, and beautiful.

"Where's Jac?" Her voice broke and she hated that and the fact that Luke had distracted her for so long and now her best friend could be kidnapped or dead. Luke pulled out his phone, no response from Ash so maybe she was still with him? Were they in the middle of hooking up right now?

"Maybe she is still with Ash." He said with a casual shrug and hoped to God that Ashton gets it back in his pants before Max cuts his dick off. Hopefully Max will assume Luke is innocent in the whole thing and he will still have a chance but that was a slim hope at best.

Luke led them back to the 5SoS tour bus and after clearing everything with security Max ran to the door of the bus only to find it locked and Luke thanked God because Ashton could be in the middle of something that would make Max pissed.

"Ashton Fucking Irwin you had better open this damn door right now!" Shit.

I kind of love how the characters are developing. New update cause I love ya'll! Happy Holdiays! Love -Meg

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