Chapter Four

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Three hours later when the gates finally opened, Jac and Max were the third to be admitted. Immediately they ran to where the campsites are and Max had Jac save them a spot underneath a cool, shady willow and Max went to fetch the car. Max had been anxious about leaving Jac there by herself but the girl was chatting aimlessly with a gay couple they had met in line. Brian and Christopher were madly in love and had originally thought that Jac and Max were a couple but it was quickly disproven when Max tried to flirt with Christopher and he politely informed her that while she was ridiculously attractive he likes dicks not chicks.

Jac had burst out laughing and Brian had hit his boyfriend for being insensitive but Max just laughed because ya, she had just tried to hit on a gay guy. The four of them bonded in line, they were really cool dudes and Max was over joyed when Christopher said that he was starting college in Connecticut this fall and she about fell over when he said he would be studying at Harvard like she would be. Jac and Brian then bonded over the fact that their best friends were both leaving for college while Brian would only be starting his senior year of high school. After about two hours of just cracking stupid jokes, a lot of perverted innuendos that Max had to explain to Brian and Jac it was obvious that the two couples were meant to meet and Max agreed to them setting up camp next to them.

"We will build a wall between us and the slutty boys that will make a pass at poor Jac." Max laughed when the boys put their tent a mere ten feet away from theirs and Jac shot her a look.

"We might have to fend the slutty girls off of the gay boys!" Jac said loudly, motioning dramatically to the amount of female Warped goers that had been walking by their campsite. Some sputtered when Jac said gay but others didn't look disturbed and continued to stare shamelessly at the two boys who worked to set up their tent but were failing horribly.

Max squinted into the bright nearly noon sun and slipped her aviators over her eyes. She told Jac she was going to go and buy them all programs so they could plan out who was going where for what shows. Jac and Max had already chosen a couple of bands to go see and agreed that they would be front row for the guest performers.

The Warped Team made a big deal about the special guests but wouldn't reveal who they are going to be so now Jac and Max were just hoping it was someone good. The campsites were off the east side of the entire campus, which was probably two miles across but the stages were set up with about six back to back in a circle in the middle then there is room for crowds and more stages line the outer circle making it look like a tire. Max was admiring the set up as well as cursing herself for not bringing sturdier shoes. She had wanted to look good for the festival and any pictures that Jac took on her Polaroid so she had gone with her favorite outfit. It was pretty hot so her shorts were a bit short, giving anyone a good look at her muscular legs and she had on a baggy, ripped up black cutoff with a smattering of bracelets lining her arms and ankles. She had on bright red low rise Chuck Taylors, her hair was long and a mess of waves because she hadn't been bothered to blow dry it this morning so all in all she thought she looked good. For unconventionally pretty anyways.

Max slipped her Polaroid from around her neck and took a picture of the stage set up when a boy walked right in front of her shot. More like a skyscraper in sunglasses and a hoody but still, right in front of her shot.

"Hey!" She shouted angrily before regretting it and scolding herself for having such a pistol tongue. This guy was twice her size even though she was formidable enough but he had height on his side if he was violent. Plus Max had promised Jac no fighting. "You walked right into my shot!" She finished, feeling brave.

The boy's eyebrows furrowed above his black sunglasses, the hood of his black hoodie pushed back and his blond hair was bright and tall. He fiddled with his lip ring for a moment and then licked his lips and Max was getting impatient.

"What's the matter? Are you too overheated in that stupid hoodie to at least say sorry?" She spat and whipped the sunglasses from her eyes, her piercing eyes on display and she wondered if the boy was going to take his glasses off as well but he didn't.

"Sorry love," he said and then kept walking, his long legs carrying him away from her quickly and Max was dumbstruck. Where had she heard that voice before? She took a few more shots, pushing the boy from her mind and went in search of the programs, trying to forget about that lip ring and hair that she had seen somewhere before.

About twenty minutes of more walking than she ever wanted to do in her life, Max was finally starting to near their campsite again, having to dodge between other camps and even managed to snag a Monster from a really nice chick with like "5 visible piercings." Max felt a little out of her league with some of these real hard asses, she could half ass it with the best of them and was feeling a bit insecure but then she took a sip from her Monster and the moment passed.

She needed to get rid of the can before walking up to camp because Jac was certain she had a caffeine addiction, but Max noticed there was a fourth body already there and this one was wearing a bandana and sunglasses and was most definitely not someone she knew. And he was definitley not someone who should be flirting with Jac.

Jac was the textbook shy girl when getting flirted with, she crosses her legs cutely and twists while smiling up at the boy. He has a mass of brown curls on his head but other than that there were no other identifiers except that he was really tall.

Max tried to smile sweetly, probably failing but whatever, when she wrapped a protective arm over Jac's shoulder and the girl glanced up at her best friend before laughing at whatever the mystery boy had just said. "Hey Max, this is Fletcher!" The boy groaned and stuck a hand out for Max to shake.

"Fletch, please, not Fletcher its awful." Jac just giggled and Max shook the boys massive hand with her little one. His hands were really calloused and rough but he didn't have a killer grip so that was good.

"Max," She said and the boy smiled, his dimples on full display now and Max was staring at the adorable feature when Jac gasped.

"MAXINE ALEXANDRIA JACOBS! WHAT IS THAT IN YOUR HAND!" Jac pointed accusingly to the can of energy drink. Busted. Max was about to defend herself, a futile attempt but hopeful, when the boy in front of them giggled and waved to an approaching figure that Max was familiar with. Skyscraper boy looked pissed.

"Hey Skyscraper," Max called out and waved Jac gave her a weird look and the boy flinched before leaning down and whispering in Fletch's ear. Fletch nodded and then when Skyscraper stepped back Fletch smiled appologetically.

"Sorry girls, apparently I am needed elsewhere," Fletch frowned, his accent was slight and sad, "but it was nice to meet you Jac and Max. This is my friend Robert by the way, he is really nice." Robert waved awkwardly before checking his watch.

"Yeah, really good at blocking pictures." Max muttered angerly and Robert flushed bright red.

"Sorry about that, I feel like such a dick. Here," He took out a magic marker from his back pocket and before Max could protest, scripted across her forearm ten digits. "This way, to make up for ruining your shot, if we are at the same show I will put you up on my shoulders and you can take a picture above everyone else." Max flushed, the boy was being very nice and while she was flirty most days and knew this guy was either hitting on her or just trying to be nice she still had to say it. Jac saw and tried to catch Max's hand before she said it but too late.

"Thanks, but I am a bit to big for you to put me on your shoulders." She admitted ashamedly, it was true, Max apparently looked skinny but she wrote that off as proper clothing because honestly she was too curvy for that. The boy just smirked, Jac face palmed and Max was too busy being embarassed to notice that Fletch had moved behind her until he had wrapped his arms around her middle and Robert was crouched down until Max's flailing legs were secured over his shoulders and he rose to full height.

You could die from how thin the air was up here. Max couldn't help herself, she let out a girlish shriek and wrapped her legs tightly around Robert's shoulders before he groaned and she realized he was choking. Brian and Christopher came out when they heard Jac squeal and laughed seeing the two girls high above them on the shoulders of what appeared to be giants. Max tossed Christopher her polaroid after taking some shots from up so high and asked him to take four pictures of them, one for each. When this was done the boys gently let Max and Jac down to distribute pictures and Max saw Fletch give Jac his number.

"Seriously though Maxine, call me." Robert teased and Max flushed bright red.

"Sure thing, Skyscraper."

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