A New Guardian

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It was the Dream Sand rope tugging on Sandy's arm that interrupted our hug.

I pulled away from the hug and looked up at Pitch. The Dream Sand tied around his wrist had him suspended in the air. The Dream Sand rope itself was as straight as a pole.

Sandy also looked up at the Dream Sand rope and tugged on it. Pitch let out a yell and was slammed into the ground, knocking him out instantly. Soon after, a few golden butterflies began fluttering in a circle above Pitch's head.

I winced as I stood up. I know he deserved it but that looked like it hurt, even if there was a layer of snow to break his fall.

Something behind me caught Sandy's eye, causing a smile to break out across his face. Sandy began jumping up and down in joy. I looked over my right shoulder as the others gathered around Sandy.

"Sandy!" Tooth exclaimed excitedly.

North let out a joyful laugh and lifted Sandy up into the air, who slowly floated back down to the ground.

"Mate, you are a sight for sore eyes!" Bunny commented as Sandy landed back on the ground.

Sandy smiled and summoned a cloud of Dream Sand to form beneath his feet as he rose into the air, floating higher and higher until he was almost three to four stories high. Sandy glanced down at his hands before shooting streams of Dream Sand in every direction.

The Dream Sand floated and twirled gracefully towards various windows and passed through with ease. As each stream of Dream Sand disappeared into windows and over buildings into the distance, I could feel a small spark of belief within me as a child began to believe again.

As Sandy released stream after stream of Dream Sand, they eventually began to transform into various different things that children love, like animals whether they be living, extinct or mythical.

Out of nowhere, one of Pitch's Nightmares came charging through the snow with its sights set on the girl with short spiky hair in a pink nightdress.

However, rather than running or looking scared, she turned her body completely to the Nightmare and gave it an unimpressed look.

The Nightmare screeched to a halt, mere inches from the girl's face. The girl in the pink nightdress lifted her hand and gently tapped the Nightmare's nose, causing it to turn into Dream Sand and transform into a unicorn. The girl's face lit up as she jumped in excitement. The Dream Sand Unicorn nuzzled it's face against the girl's, before cantering on to fulfil another child's dream.

A tremendous thud shook the ground as a huge mass of Dream Sand transformed into a life size Brontosaurus. North let out a cheerful laugh as the Dream Sand dinosaur passed by.

My Tiger ears, claws and tail disappeared and a pair of Robin wings took its place on my back. Willow dug her claws into my shoulder as I took to the sky. I flew straight up and around the long neck of the Brontosaurus before hovering beside it's head.

I would love to bring the dinosaurs back, but there are enough movies out there to show why that would be a bad idea. Also even before Pitch attacked us, I wasn't powerful enough to bring back any extinct creatures. Not that I've tried or anything...

A squadron of Dream Sand Manta-rays swam over my head gracefully through the air. As the Manta-rays were swimming, a pod of Dream Sand Dolphins cut across their path, dove down past the powerlines and weaved around the children.

I dove down with the Dolphins and landed as the Dream Sand Dolphins began to swim parallel to the ground. With a mere thought, my wings disappeared. Willow retracted her claws and resettled herself on my shoulder.

The Tiger Lily - A Rise of the Guardians FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now