The Tooth Race

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We started the teeth-collecting in Russia. Tooth had told us where the teeth were in the general area and we had all gone to get them.

"Hahahaha, Quickly, quickly!" North yelled, his voice echoing through the neighbourhood. I was flying close to Jack and Bunny.

"Hop to it, Rabbit! I'm five teeth ahead!" Jack taunted.
"Yeah right! Look, I'd tell ya to stay out of my way, but really what's the point? Cuz you ain't able to keep up anyway!" Bunny retorted.
"Is that a challenge, Cottontail?" Jack asked, jokingly. Bunny then looked at him,
"Ooh, you don't wanna race a rabbit, mate," Bunny threatened.

I had had enough of their little rivalry, so I changed my wings from a Robin to a Peregrine Falcon, and sped past the both of them. I heard Bunny call out to me and Jack laughing.

I slowed down outside a window which had a tooth in there. I slipped into the window, crept over to the sleeping child and slipped my hand under the pillow. My fingers soon brushed the tooth, so I pulled it out from the pillow, and put it in the sack that North had given all of us. I turned around and flew out. When I climbed out of the window, I saw Jack out of the corner of my eye flying to where I just was.

Once he saw me, he stopped in his tracks.
"Oh, come on!" He said, slightly irritated. I just laughed at him, and flew away towards where another house was.


After we had finished in Russia, we moved on to France. I was heading towards a house. Where a child had supposedly lost two teeth. When I reached the window, before I could climb inside, I saw Jack putting the two teeth in his bag. He caught sight of me, walked towards me and said: "Ha," then climbed out the window.

I turned around and punched him in the arm, hard. He then turned around.
"Ow! Was that really necessary?" He asked, holding his probably throbbing arm.
"Yup," I said, and then flew away.

I saw Tooth pointing to a house and North heading there. I flew as quietly as I could to the house, making sure that North got there first. When he entered the room, he walked over to the bed and proceeded to remove the tooth. I pulled Willow off of my shoulders, pointed to the tooth in North's hand and put her on the floor. I watched Willow climb up North's coat, along his arm and pull the tooth from his hands. She then ran and jumped up to the window that I was watching from. I held out my hand so that she could climb up my arm. She gave me the tooth and I sped away.

"Lily!" North shouted. I just cackled, really loudly.

I flew further away from that house and saw Bunny climbing out of a window and jumped on to the roof with a tooth in his paw. He slipped on the icy rooftop. Jack pulled the tooth from Bunny's hand as he slid past.

"Yes!" Jack exclaimed. I flew quietly behind Jack, took the tooth from his hand.
"Yoink!" I said, happily. I flew away.
"No!" Jack yelled after me.

I got a little further away before the tooth was pulled from my hand. I looked up and saw Sandy on his Dream Sand cloud, waving and smiling at me mockingly.


We moved on to New York. We collected all the teeth there, then met on a rooftop near Brooklyn Bridge. Jack, Bunny, North and Sandy hoisted up their teeth-filled sacks for Tooth to see. What is with boys and having everything between them be a competition?

"Wow! You guys collect teeth and leave gifts as fast as my fairies!" Tooth told us, happily.

Did she just say gifts? I completely forgot! It looked like the others did as well. Their bags lowered and their facial expressions dropped.
So did Tooth's.

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