The Man in the Moon

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As I flew into the room, I could hear North's booming voice reverberate around the room.
"Cookies? Eggnog? Anyone?" North offered. No one had noticed that I was here yet so I transformed back to my ordinary self and replied, in a sarcastic tone, "Oh wow! Eggnog in April! What next? Jack-O-Lanterns in the middle of May?" I ended up laughing at the end of that so my sarcastic tone just completely failed.

"Ah! Lily, I thought you wouldn't show up!" North responded with a smile. That confused me, why wouldn't I show up? Before I could say anything, something sharp dug into my shoulders, making me cry out in pain. Then Willow's head appeared next to mine. I turned my head to give her a look that said 'Really?'

"This better be good, North," I heard Bunny's voice, meaning he had entered the building. I walked over to him and offered a fist-bump
which he happily accepted. After the successful fist-bump and a quiet but audible "Hell Yeah!" from me, I walked away and leaned against a pillar. Willow climbed up and sat on my shoulder, snuggling into my shoulder-length, brown hair.

Tooth then arrived with about five or six of her fairies. We smiled at each other, then she went back to talking with her fairies.

Soon after Tooth's arrival, a golden airplane flew through the window. When the plane reached us, it disintegrated and revealed its pilot, Sandy. I went over to Sandy and hugged him; he hugged back. Sandy helped me get through a lot in the 3 years since I died and was brought back by the Man in the Moon. He was my best friend.

Sandy pulled away from the hug, gave Willow a scratch behind the ears and went over to talk to North about the situation. I resumed my position at the pillar I was leaning on.

North spotted Sandy and called out to him,
"Sandy! Thank you for coming," Sandy then made sand signs above his head. I had learned to figure out what he was saying after all this time knowing him.
"I know, I know , but I obviously wouldn't have called you all here unless it was serious!"

After that sentence, we all stopped and paid attention to North.
"The Boogeyman was here! At the Pole!" So that's why we're here. Bunny had told me about the Boogeyman about a year ago. He told me about The Dark Age and the beginning of The Golden Age.

"Huh? Pitch? Pitch Black? Here?" Tooth questioned nervously.
"Yes..." North replied, "There was black sand covering the globe." Bunny cut North off,
"W-w-what, whadda' ya' mean black sand?"
"And then- a shadow!" North finished.

Bunny pulled a half-painted egg and paintbrush from a satchel of his and continued painting it.
"Hold on, hold on- I thought you said you saw Pitch?!" Bunny retorted.
"Well, uh, not exactly," North answered.
"Not exactly?! Can you believe this guy?" Bunny asked Sandy, to which he replied with a question mark.
"Yeah, you said it, Sandy," Bunny mumbled.

Wait, wait, wait, I need to think about this. Ok, as far as I'm aware, Pitch didn't do anything to damage the place, but he got all the Yetis shaken up. Did Pitch do this to let everyone know that he will be seen again and that he hasn't disappeared forever?

"Maybe it's a threat," I said.
"A threat?" North questioned, obviously wanting me to elaborate with my theory.
"Yeah, maybe it's a threat to say that he's gonna be back or that he's still around. If this dude is as bad as I've heard and read he is, then he's not doing this to mess about," I concluded.

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