Easter is Tomorrow

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When we arrived at the North Pole, we walked in complete silence, making me want to cry even more. Willow was on my shoulder. She understood what happened without anyone explaining it to her. The Yetis were told to prepare a memorial for Sandy.

We all went off on our own, waiting to be told about the memorial. I walked down a corridor and saw multiple pairs of double doors. I went to open the first one. Inside was multiple instruments. I hadn't played the guitar in at least three years. I was about to go over to play the acoustic instrument when Tooth came from around the corner.

"Lily? The memorial is about to start," She told me. I nodded, closed the door to the music room, made a mental note of where it is, and followed Tooth. We went to the memorial in absolute silence. I zoned out, in my own little world. I then felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Lily, are you okay?" Tooth asked, a worried look on her face. I looked at her, then back to the floor.
"I'm fine," I answered, quietly. Tooth's hand lingered on my shoulder for a few more seconds, then fell back to her side.

I really didn't want to be here. It was too soon after Sandy. I didn't want to be around people, I wanted to be alone. Willow was sitting on my shoulder. Her ears covering her face.

We soon reached where the memorial was taking place. It was where the Guardian Emblem was. When I got there, a Yeti handed me a lit candle. Yetis handed everyone else a lit candle, and one by one, we all placed them around Sandy's tile on the Guardian Emblem. The Yetis and Elves were there as well, mourning the Sandman.

Tooth looked over at North, who closed his eyes in grief. She then looked over at Bunny who offered her his paw. Tooth took it then offered her hand to North, who took it. Bunny offered his other paw to me. I didn't want to be here. I looked at his outstretched paw for a second, then turned around and walked away. The Yetis made a gap for me to walk.

As I was walking away, the Elves began slowly nodding their heads, making their bells chime, creating a dirge for the Sandman. I was too angry to stay there. I was angry at Pitch. First, he took Tooth's fairies and all the teeth, and then he killed Sandy?!

I decided to go back to the music room. Once I got there, I closed the door behind me. I took Willow off of my shoulder and placed her on the floor. She turned around and went to explore the room. I walked over to the guitar, which was on a stand. Next to it was a small bench. I went over there and sat down on the bench, then I pulled the guitar off of the stand and held it.

I couldn't see a pick anywhere to play the guitar with, so I just played with my fingers. I began to play the intro of my favourite song. As I was playing, I heard faint footsteps from the corridor. I don't care, it's probably a Yeti. I began to sing.

'There is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God I know I'm one
My mother was a tailor
She sewed my new blue jeans
My father was a gamblin' man
Down in New Orleans
And the only thing a gambler needs
Is a suitcase and a trunk
And the only time he's satisfied
Is when he's all drunk
So mothers tell your children
Not to do what I have done
Spend your lives in misery
In the House of the Rising Sun'

"You're pretty good on that thing, eh?" Bunny said from the doorway. I visibly jumped. I didn't even hear him open the door. I gently placed the guitar back on its stand, my thumb resting and gently rubbing the A string. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Bunny walked over and sat down on the bench next to me.

"Why'd ya leave half way through?" Bunny asked. I could tell he was gonna tread lightly.
"I didn't wanna be there," I stated. Bunny then got up and crouched in front of me, trying to meet my eyes, but I wouldn't. I was trying to block the world out with my hair. I tried using my hair like a curtain. Bunny just brushed it out of the way.

"Lily. We're all worried about you-" Bunny started, but I cut him off.
"Well I'm not surprised!" I shouted. Does no one understand?
"I watched him die!" My voice was starting to shake again.
"I coulda done something," I said, my voice shaking and the tears falling.

Bunny didn't say anything more, but just pulled me into a hug. I gratefully accepted by wrapping my arms around him, burying my face into his shoulder. I was crying like I was when I was with Sandy a few hours earlier.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault," I sobbed.
"Hey," Bunny said sternly but quietly in my ear, "Pitch killed him, he's the one at fault 'ere. Ya hear me?"

I nodded, my face was still buried in his shoulder. We stayed like that for a few more minutes, then he pulled away. He began wiping the tears from my face with his thumb. He smiled at me then took my hand and pulled me up.
"C'mon," he said, "I've got an idea."

We began walking to the door, but then I remembered Willow. I turned around, about to call her, but she was sitting there, with her arms crossed, and a look on her face that said
'Really? Again?' I have a bad habit of almost leaving her behind. I held out my arm for her to jump on. She rolled her eyes, then ran and jumped on my arm. She crawled up and sat on my shoulder.

I turned around and began to follow Bunny. I'm guessing that we were going to the rest of the Guardians. The Guardians were standing, watching the globe, the lights were going out fast.

"Look how fast they're going out!" Tooth said, worried. Jack flew up closer to the globe, watching as the lights dim and disappear.
"It's fear. He's tipped the balance," Jack said, he then looked at us, worried about what would happen if this continued.

I walked forward and stood next to Tooth to get a better view of the globe.

"Hey, buck up ya sad sacks!" Bunny said, cheerfully, he hopped onto the console in front of the huge globe.
"We can still turn this around! Easter is tomorrow, and I need your help! I say we pull out all the stops and we get those little lights flickering again!" Bunny finished. We all smiled at each other, then turned around and began walking towards the elevator. We reached the lower level of North's workshop.

"Bunny is right!" North said, as the elevator was descending.
"As much as it pains me to say, old friend, this time Easter is-" North kicked open the gate,
"-more important than Christmas!" North finished. Wow. Never gonna hear him say that again. Bunny looked at us like he had just heard his favourite band was coming to his town.

"Hey! Did everyone hear that?!" He asked, excited to finally hear the statement. Jack smiled knowingly at him.

"We must hurry to the Warren. Everyone, to the sleigh!" North ordered, but was stopped by Bunny stepping in front of him.

"Oh no, mate. My Warren, my rules. Buckle up," Bunny said with a smile. He then tapped the floor twice with his foot. I realised that he meant the tunnels, which I've wanted to do for years! North also realised what he meant.

"Shostakovich!" As North said that, a giant hole appeared beneath us and we all fell in.


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