The Warren Falls

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Jack and I landed a few metres back behind Bunny and the blonde kid, Sophie. Sophie had an arm full of decorated eggs, their legs kicking at the air.

Jack walked forward and crouched next to Bunny, resting his staff on his shoulder. I stayed where I landed, letting my wings drop slightly. Sophie sleepily crawled into Bunny's arms. Watching the kid reminded me of my little brother, from before I was brought back. If I'm right, he should be turning seven this year.

I might leave him a dog this year, for his birthday. That is if we haven't all been destroyed by Pitch.

"Not bad," Jack said as Sophie cooed. Bunny looked over to Jack, a smile on his face.
"Not bad, yourself," He replied. Jack smiled back and nodded.

At least they were getting along now. We can't be having silly arguments and rivalries at a time like this.

"Ah, look, I- I'm sorry about the whole- you know, the "kangaroo" thing?" Jack broke the comfortable silence with his apology.
"It's the accent, isn't it?" Bunny responded, causing the both of them to chuckle.

North and Tooth showed up. Tooth flew towards Bunny and Sophie. North knelt down to my eye level, causing me to look at him.
"Are you alright?" He asked, quietly.

It was nice that my friends now would ask me how I am. I could make a list of people who wouldn't ask and it would be as long as my leg. I don't like a lot of attention, but an acknowledgement every now and again was... nice.

He was probably asking if I was alright because of Sandy. I realised I didn't make a lot of eye contact and I didn't speak to them unless I didn't really have a choice.

I smiled and nodded. I didn't even know if I was telling the truth or not, but it must have been believable because North smiled back and guided me towards the rest of the Guardians.

"Ah, poor little ankle-biter. Look at 'er, all tuckered out," Bunny said, looking down at the blonde girl asleep on his lap. Tooth knelt down next to him, gazing at the child with a smile on her face, "I love her."

Baby Tooth chittered and Sophie cooed.
"I think it's time to get her home," Tooth said as she gently took Sophie from Bunny's arms.

"How about I take her home?" Jack spoke up. I don't know about everyone else, but I would prefer it if Jack stayed. No offence to Tooth, but we've all seen what Jack is capable of. He can take out an army, no, a tsunami of Nightmares! If Pitch decides to attack the Warren, which would be a very dumb thing for him to do because I would not hold back, we're going to need Jack.

"Jack, no, Pitch is out there—" Tooth began, but got cut off by Jack, "No match for this," As Jack said that, he held out his staff.
"Which is why we need you here, with us," Bunny added. Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks Jack should stay.

"I don't know, Jack, worst case scenario, we're going to need you here," I commented.
"Trust me, I'll be quick as a bunny," Jack made finger-walking motions as he said that. Tooth looked down at the sleeping Sophie in her arms.

"Ok Jack, but no fooling around," Tooth placed Sophie in Jack's arms, "You take her home and then come right back."

"I will, Tooth. You can trust me," Jack assured us. With that, Jack turned around and flew away, with Sophie in his arms and his staff in his hand; Baby Tooth decided to tag along.


We had all decided to spread out, and keep watch over the decorated Easter eggs and make sure nothing interrupts their journey to various Easter egg hunts around the world.

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