The Sandman

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We were chasing the Nightmare through the streets, Jack was shouting excitedly. A second Nightmare appeared. We chased the Nightmares through alleys, streets, even through a building at one point. When the Nightmares exited the building, one flew away with Jack in pursuit. The second Nightmare had been mounted by Sandy who transformed it back into his own Dream Sand, taking shape into a Manta-ray.

I spotted a third Nightmare and flew after that  as fast as I could. I chased after it for a while, until I thought of something. I flew up until I was directly above the Nightmare. I then dropped, slashing my knife at the right time, causing the Nightmare to disintegrate.

"Sandy! Lily, did you see that?" Jack yelled. His voice seemed to echo from everywhere. I flew up until I was high enough to see the entire town. I scanned the roads and rooftops until I saw Jack, Sandy and- Pitch? They were talking, until Sandy broke out a pair of Dream Sand whips. Pitch dodged multiple times until he brought out a giant scythe and began to swing it. Where Jack was standing, if he was to stay, he'd be decapitated.

I sped down as fast as I could. When I reached him, I pushed him down on the floor, as well as myself. I watched as the scythe whooshed above our heads.

Sandman catched Pitch's handle and jerks him into the air, then down into the street below. Pitch bounces off a car roof. Sandy dusted off his hands. Jack and I walked to stand next to him.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side," Jack told him, with a smile. Sandy smiled up at him, then we descended down onto the road, where Pitch was backing up from us.

"Okay, easy! You can't blame me for trying, Sandy! You don't know what it's like to be weak, and hated!" Pitch begged. Something was up though. It sounded fake.
"It was stupid of me, to mess with your dreams. So, I'll tell you what. You can have 'em back," He finished. At that moment, Nightmares appeared from alleyways, separate streets and sewers, surrounding us. I was standing next to Jack, holding my knife in front of me. Sandy was behind us with his whips out.

"You... take the ones on the left, we'll take the ones on the right?" Jack said, nervously. Sandy shrugged with a look that said 'I guess so?'

The Nightmares brayed angrily, and then there was a beat of silence. Pitch appeared in front of us, mounted on one of his Nightmares. He looked at us for a second.

"Boo!" Pitch said. At that moment, Pitch's Nightmares advanced, and began running towards us. Sandy whipped at the Nightmares, but they kept getting closer. I slashed at a couple of them, causing them to disintegrate. It was like the Hydra: Take out one head, two more grow back. They just kept coming.

North's sleigh passed overhead, crashing into things. North, Tooth, and Bunny kept dozing off due to the Dream-sand. They crashed into another building, that definitely woke them up. I looked back to the Nightmares surrounding us. We were swarmed.

I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me into the air. Sandy was using his Dream Sand to ascend into the air, taking Jack and I with him. He tossed us into the air as the Nightmares began to swarm us again. Jack jumped into action, taking out Nightmares left and right.

I looked up, the Nightmares had surrounded Sandy, but weren't getting too close to the Dream Sand. I felt claws digging into my shoulder. I realised that Willow was still with me. I looked around for somewhere safe to put her. The sleigh had begun to ascend up higher into the sky. I saw Bunny and North in the sleigh. Tooth was out destroying Nightmares. North jumped onto the head of the sleigh and had begun cutting through Nightmares with his swords. I flew down to the sleigh and landed on my feet.

Sure enough, my bag was still there from a few hours ago. I pulled Willow off of my shoulder, put her in the bag and zipped it up. I jumped off of the sleigh and flew upwards towards Sandy. The Nightmare swarm had gotten larger and Sandy was struggling to destroy the Nightmares. I flew up to the swarm and began to fly around them, taking them out with my knife.

I found Pitch, standing watching Sandy fight. He then pulled back an invisible bow, aimed at Sandy and let go. A sharp arrow flew towards Sandy and hit him right between the shoulder blades.

"SANDY! NO!" I screamed. This can't be happening. I flew towards him but was blocked by some Nightmares. I backed up then flew towards the Nightmares, spinning with my knife pointed outwards, taking them out. I flew towards Sandy, who was standing on his weakening Dream Sand cloud. He turned to face Pitch who was laughing victoriously.

"Don't fight the fear, little man," Pitch yelled down at Sandy. I landed on the weakening and shrinking Dream Sand cloud in front of Sandy. My vision was getting blurry from the tears building up in my eyes. I kneeled down in front of Sandy, a look of pain and fear was on his face. I'd never seen that look.

"Sandy?" I said his name, my voice was shaking violently. He put a cold hand on my cheek, then lightly pushed my shoulder as if to say 'go'. I will not leave him here to die! That's not happening! I shook my head. He looked down at the Dream Sand cloud, which was beginning to transform into Nightmare Sand.

Nightmare Sand began to spread from his back over his shoulders. He looked at me again pushing both of my shoulders.
"I don't want to go," I whispered, the tears had started falling down my cheeks now. Sandy gave me a weak smile. I need to go. I got up and began to fly away. The wind was pushing my tears across my face. I wiped them away angrily. I hate crying.

I turned around to see what was happening. Sandy fell down, he put his hand on what was remaining of the Dream Sand cloud, but Nightmare Sand spiralled from his hand.

"I'd say sweet dreams, but there aren't any left," Pitch said, menacingly. What I wouldn't give to over there and shove my knife down his throat, but who knows what he'll do. He has murder on his mind.

Sandy stood up and closed his eyes, and accepted his fate. The Nightmare Sand consumed him, snuffing out the light. I watched in horror. What now? We need Sandy.

I heard Jack yell and fly towards Pitch and his Nightmares. Pitch sent a tsunami of Nightmares down to Jack, who halted mid-air. I couldn't stay here and watch someone else get injured or killed. I dove down to where Jack was, but stopped when a bright blue light illuminated the dark sky. The blue light was erupting from Jack himself. He clutched his staff forward and sent a wave of ice to spread through the Nightmares, causing them to explode and Pitch to fall to the ground below.

I turned around to look for Jack. I spotted him falling towards the ground and I heard North call out his name. I dove straight towards Jack, and caught him. I flew over to the sleigh and placed Jack down gently on the seats in the back of the sleigh. Tooth went over to Jack, who was waking up.

"Jack, h-how did you do that?" She asked. Jack looked at her then at his staff.
"I, I, I- I didn't know I could," Jack replied. I stood up, and went to sit on the floor at the side of the sleigh. I pulled my bag over to me, unzipped it, and let Willow climb out of it. She looked at me, then crawled into my arms. I pulled her closer to me and buried my face in her fur, trying to stop myself from crying in front of everyone.


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