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I was an only child and my parents were drug addicts.  They didn't give a crap about my education or what I did.  Mom didn't ever have babysitter money, so I'd be sent out to the front yard while she hand her lifriends and my dad smoked it up.

Early on, about 3 or 4, I would wander the street and found some older kids to hang with.  I was pickpocketing by 6 justt to buy my school lunch and other things. By 7 i was shoplifting to feed myself when I couldn't afford food.  By 9, I had started vandalizing and I was getting into fights at school regularly.  I started bullying girls in to doing my homework and then they culd do their own homework.  By 9, I hit puberty, and also started vandalizing and breaking into cars for my older friends and scurrying off, not caring if there was a little kid in the back seat. 

By 10, my parents had enough and threatened to send me to juvie.  I laughted in their faces.  By this point, I only came home on weekends.  By eleven, I was having sex, and lots of it.  By twelve, I had my close call with having a baby, but luckily it miscarried. 

That's when my parents had enough and shipped me to the academy.  They didn't tell me the name, but they just said it would change me forever.  They said it was a reformatory school.
Thank you for reading.
Sorry that this is such a short chapter, the next one won't be so short. 

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