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The day my 'escorts' picked me up was sunny and bright. There were 4 people who came in a van that was completely black.  The front windows were not painted over, but the back windows were.  I couldn't pack anything, so when they ushered me into the van, I was just placed in a seat in between two of my guides and buckled in.  We drove for about an hour or so, not saying a word. 

When we arrived and I was let out, I saw a really big and really tall building.  It was completely white except for pink accents around the doorr frame and window frames.  My escorts all piled out of the car, and without warning, grabbed onto me.  One led us, one had my left arm, one had my right arm, one held onto my shoulders.  We entered into a big hallway.  A woman in a red dress , red tihts, red shoes, and a red bag to boot.  She had red hair, blue eyes, and a big smile on her face that made me want to slap or punch it off of her.  My escorts stopped walking, and she ushered the escort in front of me to move, and had the others release me and stand aside with a wave of her hand.

"Welcome Ashley.  I've reviewed your records, and I say that you more than qualify for our academy.  Before we release you into the general population, we need to get you set up with a few things."  She said, pulling out a red collar.  I flinched away, and pushed it away when she tried to put it on. 

'I'm not wearing that thing, no fucking way."  I said.  The escorts grabbed me on both my arms and legs, and had me sprawled out on the pink and white tiled floor.  I felt the collar being slipped around my neck and secured. 

"You can let her up."  The woman said.  I got up and felt the collar around my neck.  I didn't even notice it was there until I touched it.  "Since you fought getting the collar put on, I'll show you what it can do to bad little girls."  She said. 

I was confused, and then I felt it, a surge of pain throughout my whole body for at least two minutes.  I couldn't move after it was done.  My body was so weak.  My escorts dragged me to a room some way down the hall.  They pulled me into this room that was completely white and looked like a nurse's station.  They strapped my arms down completely so I couldn't move on this table thing.  They removed my clothes fully andput a strap around my middle.

About ten minutes later, I was able to move, finally recovering from the collar shocking me.

A nurse in pale pink came in and cooed at me.  "Awww, you look so helpless Ashley.  I think your name is so cute we're going to use it as your baby name.  So, let's get you ready to go into the nursery."  The nurse said.  She opened a drawer and pulled out two things.  I was confused as to why I was going to a nursery.  I was a teenager.  Then it hit me when she brought over a white fluffy thing and a package to the table.  I wasn't going to wear a diaper, no fucking way, no fucking how.

"I'm not wearing that fucking...OWW!"  I said, being shocked by the stupid collar.

"Cussing isn't allowed.  And since you cussed, I'm going to inroduce to our other main form of punishment."  The nurse said.  She unstrapped me, and flipped me onto my belly and with my butt in the air.  "Five for each word and since you cussed twice already since you've been here, you get 10 spanks."  The nurse said.  She unstrapped me, flipped me over with ease, and grabbed something from the wall. 


I was crying by the end of the spanking. I was flipped over and re-strapped up with just my feet unstrapped.

"Awww, what's wrong wittle Ashwey? Does your wittle bottom hurt? Well good, That potty mouth of yours will get you lots of spankies and shocks if you aren't careful. Now, wittle Ashley, let's get your diapee on so you can get dressed and meet your new wittle friends.' The nurse said, cooing at me and making me feel very little. She kept doing this when she was putting the diaper on me. She put baby powder on my bottom and in front when she lowered my legs down. "There we go wittle Ashley. YourWittle diapee is now on and you can go and not worry abouut rruining your new clothes. You would look adorable in this cute purple dress. Yes you would wittle Ashley..."

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