The New Principal

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Miss Jackson-

I wake up at 6am in the morning, it was my first day as the principal at a new school. I am really nervous about what's going to happen, I've never had to run an entire school I'm usually just used to controlling a class or two, I think I have my work cut out for me. I get out of bed and jump into the shower, it would've been nice to have someone in here with me to wash my back or just bend it. I haven't had a man touch me in so long I bet my pussy thinks I'm dead, "I really need to get laid", I say to myself as the water flows.
I jump out of the shower and put on my black trousers and a white shirt, I grabbed my blazer and faced the mirror, I looked like a boss but not those stuck up bosses, no, I looked like a sexy boss. I went downstairs and had my breakfast while thinking about how I'll run the school, "firstly, I'm a principal and a principal has to have principles, that means I should lead by example.", I say to myself. I finish breakfast and hop into my Jeep, it screamed boss bitch from a mile away which was what I was going for,
I drive to a store near the school to buy something for lunch because I left early and didn't have time to make myself lunch. As I enter the store I see two guys admiring my car, they both had schoolbags so it's obvious that they're in the 12th grade but I just brush that off and buy whatever I want to then one of the guys approached me and started hitting on me, it's obvious that he didn't know who I was. I just smile and take it as a compliment, get into my car and drive off to school. "The kid has balls, I'll give him that", I say as I bust out in laughter. He thinks that he has a shot with me? Not a chance, not now and certainly not ever.
I arrive at school and head to the staff room where there was a meeting. "Oh I'm sorry I wasn't aware that there was a meeting, did I miss it already?", I ask. "No we were just waiting to welcome you to our new school, I'm your deputy Simon Greene and these are the rest of the teachers..." He introduces them all one by one but I pay little attention. Next was the assembly where I was supposed to be introduced to the students.
Mr Greene rang the siren and all of a sudden there was commotion from outside as if it was a stampede, I couldn't believe that students were that determined to get to the assembly point. "The previous principal made sure that the students rush to class or assembly when the siren rang, he was really strict, I hope you're going to continue that spirit", says Greene. You can tell that he is serious by the look on his face, I felt a bit offended. "Well if I didn't know what to do then I wouldn't have got this position, just stick to your lane and I'll do the same", I say as I walk out of the room and head for the assembly.
I get introduced to the students and that's when I saw the two students who were at the shop this morning. One of them was staring at me with lustful eyes, he had grey eye contacts on and a tight t-shirt, one of those shirts that show everything and I was impressed because it showed off his ripped body and when I thought it couldn't get any better, it did. He had grey sweat pants on and his junk was visible through the pants, I guess he wasn't short everywhere. "Focus damnit", I try to bring myself back to reality. "Who's that?", I ask one of the teachers. "Oh, that's George, he's in matric and he's in your math class. And off the record, I heard he hands out orgasms like it's candy".
Oh now I'm intrigued, I wonder what he can do to this body of mine. I head to my classes and perform all my duties until the last period and that's when he walked in. He gave me a nice little smile, I immediately got butterflies in my stomach. I felt like a teenager again with a crush on the most popular kid in school but I kept my cool and started the lesson but I could tell that he wasn't focused. I gave the students classwork which I wanted before the end of the class as it was their ticket out of the class. Everyone completed and submitted the work except for George. "Oh great I'm stuck with a kid I want to end up in bed with", I say to myself as I approach his desk.

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