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We got to school just in time. "6:57, I can make it to her office if I run." I jumped out of the car running to the office and when I arrived I knocked on the door. "Come in", said a voice from the other side of the door. I walked in only to see her sorting out a bookshelf and today she wasn't wearing trousers but a red dress and I have to admit, she was more stunning than yesterday.

"Miss Johnson, here's my homework as you requested.", I said with a smirk on my face. "Thanks you can place it on my desk". That wasn't the only thing I wanted to place in that desk. "Was there anything else?", she asked. "Uh no ma'am, I wanted to talk about what happened yesterday". "What happened yesterday was a test and trust me when I say you failed, I just wanted to see whether the information I got about you was authentic and it was. Did you think it was gonna be an everyday thing? I'm sorry to break it to you but you're not that good. I am a principal with principles I have to live by and you're not in them".  A no would've been great. I've never been so crushed before but what was I expecting? I let my guard down and I'm gonna make damn sure that it doesn't happen again. I'm George Smith for God sake, I don't get turned down and I'm damn sure good enough. "Oh okay got it ma'am, I'll see you in class" I replied trying to seem emotionless. I walked out and rushed off to class, I was already late by spending time in the office.

Hours went by and I still couldn't get what Miss Johnson said out my head. She really touched a nerve. It was finally the last period of the day and unfortunately it was mathematics. We took our seats and I was determined to show no emotion or interest. The lesson went on and I was focused on mathematics. I noticed her noticing me focused and her mood immediately changed. "Like always my work is your ticket out of here", She said as she stood in the door with her stunning legs. I'm sure she said that so she can remain in class with me but the joke's on her because I was the first one to finish followed by Keisha. We put the books on her table and approached the door. As we were leaving she stared at me and I gave her a nasty stare back. Keisha caught a glimpse of it and she was definitely gonna find out, I couldn't lie to her even if I tried.

We entered  the car and before I could even start the engine, she dropped the question. "So, did you have sex with Miss Johnson?" I was shocked at what she said I turned and looked at her. "Excuse me? What did you just say tome?" I played the defensive card with the hope of making her drop the subject. "You heard me, you gave her the nasty stare that you give to all your ex's that played you for a fool. So what exactly happened?" Damn, this girl can read me like a children's book. "Are you some sort of wizard or something". I told herthe entire story and she didn't seem to judge me but hearing the story with my own ears made me realize that I was living in a fantasy to think that a principal and a student could ever have a close relationship. "So what'd you think would happen? That you guys would get married and ride off to the sunset together? You know better." She was always harsh on me but always gave the best advice. "So what do you think I should do?" I was always in a situation where I have to ask for the next step. "Well for starters, you could forget about her but if you wanna get back at her I know a way we can get her jealous and prolly wanting more of you". "I don't think you noticed that this is a 25 year old woman, I'm pretty sure she doesn't get jealous and what about your boyfriend", I replied. "Oh you poor thing, you got a lot to learn. And don't worry about my boyfriend because we broke up so we'll be killing two birds with ones tone. Now can we please get out of here." I forgot that we were still at the school parking lot. "Where are we going?". "We're gonna get some new matching outfits, now go!" I started the engine and off we went.

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