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What did she mean when she said, "I read your file."? And how is there a file on me? What's in that file? I had a lot of unanswered questions and the only person who could have the answers was dripping wet at school and I was on my way home.I really hope the file doesn't exist and she heard about me somewhere because if it does then I wonder how many people know about me.
I finally reached home and was so tired I immediately dosed off when my head hit hit the pillow. 2 hours later I woke up to 5 missed calls and 17 text messages from my female friend Keisha. I wonder what she want. We've been kicking it hard lately and I guess she was starting to get attached. I sent a text back "hey, sorry I missed your calls and texts I was so tired, wassup?" I stopped dating to avoid sending texts like these and here I am doing the exact same thing. She replied, "wanna chill? I got blunts." Damn she knows me too well but I have a math homework I have to complete. Oh well I guess I could do it at Keisha's place or I'll have to make it up to Miss Jackson because I'm not missing this chill session, I grabbed my schoolbag and sent a text back "Cool I'm on my way right now."
I arrived at Keisha's place and this girl wasn't playing, she had 8 bags of weed, 12 bottles of vodka and a whole bunch of snacks."I'm guessing there are people coming to join us because there's no way we're finishing this on our own." I said with a smile on my face. "Yeah I got a couple of friends coming over and we're gonna turn up on a Thursday!" She replied loudly. I didn't wanna be a party pooper so I decided to stay for a little while and it became so lit I forgot that I had said that I'm staying for a couple of minutes.After the party I was so wasted I asked Keisha if I could crash at her place for the night and she agreed, she was home alone for the whole week because her mother had to go to France for a business deal and I doubt that my mom will even notice that I'm gone, she was fast asleep when I left.
I got on the bed and just before I could close my eyes Keisha walked in and jumped on top of me. "You didn't think that I'd let you crash here for free did you?" I hated it when she got this drunk. "I'm not in the mood for sex Keisha." Hearing those words come out of my own mouth immediately sobered me up, what the hell was wrong me? "Whoa that's a first Mr Smith. What's gotten into you?" She was right, what has gotten into me? I love pleasing women now what's all this? I'm losing it. "Don't get me wrong I would love to make your pussy wetter than a pool but I'm just not feeling myself today and I'm so tired. I think it's better if I head out". "No! I didn't mean to offend you, please stay. I promise I'll behave myself." I really hated disappointing Keisha so I really had no choice. "Okay fine but if you try anything I'm leaving". "Okay fine I'll back off, you're so defensive today". I immediately dozed off and was woken up by a loud alarm.
"Oh fuck it's 5:30 am and I still haven't written that homework, I gotta make a plan." Keisha walked up to me with a smile on her face, some pills and a glass of water, I wonder why her head isn't banging like mine. "Morning sleepyhead, take these pills for your hangover and take a shower before we head out." Now I really wish I let her have her way last night, I feel stupid. I took the pills and went straight to bathroom, stripped naked and got into the shower. I could still feel the liquor in my system but at least I could maintain it.
The steam was too thick I couldn't see anything outside the glass and the next thing I heard was the door opening and Keisha stepping in. "What's all this? I really need to get ready for school and you're not helping my case here." She had a body like an hour glass, perky breasts, slim waist and nice curves and that tattoo on her waist was a turn on and my little man couldn't resist her and just stood tall and proud.
"Well it seems like your body disagrees with your head, relax I figured since we're both late we could share a shower. You mind washing my back?" As soon as she turned around I couldn't resist I immediately grabbed her by the waist she turned her head and I went in for the kiss while my hand went to her pussy and next thing I knew I was rubbing on it and she was soaking wet which was a turn on for me. I pushed her body against the shower glass and arched her back then I rubbed my dick on her pussy and then I slipped it in and she moaned so loud as I gave her long strokes and I could feel her knees getting weak and I went even faster until she reached an orgasm and her entire body was shaking. I pulled out and pulled her back then I slid between her legs and sucked on the clit till she came into my mouth. I always loved how cum tasted.
"There now can we please leave, I still haven't written that Miss Johnson's Homework." I have never been the one to stress over schoolwork but I didn't want to disappoint Miss Johnson."Calm down you big baby I already wrote that homework and you can copy in the bus, it's not really that long." She always had my back which was how I managed to make it this far without being called to the principal's office."Really? You're amazing, thank you but can't we take your mom's car? It seems like a waste to chase a bus when we could be riding in style". "Great idea but you seem to forget that I don't have a driver's license yet". "You don't but I do, think about it while I go dress up, are those clothes I left here last time still available?" That was a weird question to ask but Keisha's mother always treated me like her own son so she said I should leave some of my clothes here just in case I sleep over. "Uh yeah mom put them in the guest bedroom aka your room", she replied jokingly. "Haha very funny", I said sarcastically.
I got dressed up and all that was left was to write that homework I've been fussing about."hey, you wanna have breakfast or should we just head out?", Keisha asked. "Let's just head out we'll buy something later". "Okay we're taking the car by the way so grab the keys and I'll write your stupid homework for you." Hearing her say those words brought joy in my heart. I get to drive and get my homework done at the same time. "This is why you're my best friend, come on let's go.", I said excited We climbed into the Mercedes Benz G63 and started the engine and off we went to school.

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