Some Bonds Cannot Be Fixed

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-The Principal

I stormed into my office, why am I so mad over a little boy who can't keep his dick in his pants, I'm a boss ass bitch I can't really be fussing over something that brings 0 worth to my life. I grabbed my bag, I was not about to spend another minute in that place for today. I got to my car and as I was pulling out of the parking lot this idiot comes out rushing. "Look I can explain, I was trynna help Keisha out with something", says George. What the hell does he think I am, an idiot?. "I really don't think that concerns me, just don't do it on school grounds", I reply as if non of it fazed me.

"You don't have to pretend as if you don't care, I heard what you said about getting me back, why would you say that and act as if you don't care?" said George. I wasn't about to give this idiot the satisfaction, "Oh but I meant that in terms of being a principal, you see behavior like that is not permitted at this school. so that means you and your little girlfriend have detention for the rest of the month, I hope you're ready for torture". "So what does that mean about us?" asked George. "There is no us and if there was ever a chance of that happening, it died in that room along with your kids that you left on the floor, It's a shame really, I was really looking forward to showing you how a lady gives good pussy, goodnight playboy." I replied as I drove off.


Fuck, I think i just blew my chance. Keisha walks towards me, 'So, did she beg for mercy and ask for that D?", asked Keisha with a smile on her face. "Nah but we do have detention for the rest of the month, I don't think she's as weak as your boy". I replied. Part of me was broken, torn apart. She could have been the challenge I've been searching for, but I had to go and ruin it, I hate myself. "Detention isn't so bad, plus I already had detention, I'm more worried about you, you think she'll ever come around or is this the end of you going for someone who's almost twice your age?". "Was this your plan all along? To make sure I never get a chance with her? Is your heart that cold?", I lashed out.

"O-kay I'm gonna pretend like you didn't just say that because that's the dumbest thing I've that's ever come out your mouth, after everything I've done for you you think id wanna ruin your little fling with somebody you barely know? nah boy you must've lost your brain when I gave you that good brain. matter of fact screw you, I'm out of here.", replied Keisha as she stormed for her car. "Look I'm sorry okay, I was being stupid. I just hate that I lost her that easily, before she left she hinted that there could've been something between us."

"Dude that just means that there's still a chance of that happening but you gonna have to work for it, now I love you but not like that, between me and you its just sex and no offense but i think I deserve better don't you think?", said Keisha. Ouch why does everyone put no offense before they say something thats really offensive? "Ha yeah i know that, and FYI i can drop all my bullshit and act right, just for the right girl, nobody else."

"Why is every guy like that? Yall scared of getting hurt but dish out heartbreak like its a buffet, then bitch when the girl does the same, y'all are a bunch of hypocrites", said Keisha. Low key she was right, we are hypocrites but I guess the reason why we got this type of mentality is that we don't wanna get hurt because first it hurts and then it breaks you. Women are built different, they can withstand that pain over and over and over. I don't understand how someone can do that, me on the other hand am different, one heartbreak and I was ready to break hearts, it's like I was built for this, but right now it feels like I've met my match and they are not about to let up and just give me the win. I won't give up on her. The principal will be mine.

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