Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold

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A few days after the incident I was punished, I had detention all week and it didn't really help that the principal was pissed at me. She didn't talk to me at all, is this what rejection felt like? Anyway it didn't phase me, "It's her loss anyway", I'd say in my head but who was I kidding, I missed her, all because of one encounter that left me helpless. That feeling of snatching her soul, how she moaned in my ear, she does something to me that non of these girls ever could. I guess it's understandable though, she's older and probably has more experience than them.

I woke up the next day hoping that she'd want to talk to me. I saw her car pulling up to the school's parking lot and approached her as she was stepping out of her car. "Okay I've learned my lesson, I won't ever get on your bad side again, can we start over?", I said with a smile on my face. "You still think this is about me and you? No sir you destroyed any chance of that happening when you let her suck you off in my office. I had to get a new desk. Right now all of this is just karma coming back to bite you, I'm karma.", She said. "Oh so you're saying I had a chance? I mean we could still fix things, can't let one minor setback break everything", I replied back with my greatest seductive voice. She smiled and said, "You are funny Mr, unlike most of these girls that you mess around with, I'm not that gullible, weak or stupid. I have faith in myself and trust me I am the catch. Could've caught yourself a big fish but instead you chose to mess with sardines, so enjoy. I'll see you in class George".

Damn, I can't get through to her, maybe I have met my match, but I do know one thing, what once was can be again. I'm not giving up on her. I walk to class and run into Keisha on the way there, things have been weird between us especially since she left me at the school the other night. Her dude still hates me, but I don't really care, he's a wimp anyway but he begged Keisha not to talk to me no more and I guess that's exactly what she did. I can't believe I went through all that trouble just to end up losing everything. I was alone, but it was nothing new, crazy thing is that I have a bunch of people I can hang around but for some reason I still felt alone, imagine that, alone in a room full of people.

I go through the entire day feeling like that until I saw her, the principal. It's like she had the torch to brighten up my day, she walks into class looking like a million bucks, now I'm trying to keep my head on my neck instead of letting it wander off. Today her voice was extra seductive. You could see that every guy in class was drooling over her. This one kid actually had drool on his face, I think he lives in his own imaginary world where it's acceptable to drool in real life, weird. She's almost done with today's class and asks if anyone has a question or something they would like to say before she dismisses the class. This one guy Chad who is the class clown decided to voice up. "Ma'am, this isn't really related to today's math class but I just wanted to say that I would let you ruin my life". The entire class starts laughing. "Does he really think that he has a chance with the principal? He's more delusional than a crazy person or at least that's what I thought. "If you play your cards right, I just might", replied the principal with a smile as if she was joking. The class laughs again they know that she's probably joking or was she.

She dismisses the class and Chad offers to carry her bags acting like a gentleman, disgusting. I follow loosely behind them, not close enough for them to notice enough to hear the conversation. "To be honest ma'am I'd love to get a few lessons from you, I feel like I'm falling behind with Math and other stuff". "Other stuff?, What are other stuff?". "Well I'll tell you about them as time goes on, you were the school's counsellor where you worked before here right?". "Oh yeah, and I'm sure whatever problem you have is easily eradicated". "Oh yeah? How about my proposal in class?". "Haha. Come to my office later, we'll get started with math", replied the principal as she entered her office and closed it behind her. I felt my heart ache a little bit, what was this feeling, was this jealousy? Was she really gonna let him smash? I can't let that happen. I have to miss detention and stop whatever's going to happen.

It's finally detention, I decide to wait for about 5-10 minutes in class, they cant just start immediately right? They have to get comfortable, I'll catch them in the act. Keisha walks into detention, takes one look at me, clicks her tongue and sits way at the back. I walk up to her. "Still not talking to me? When is it gonna end?", I asked. Keisha just gives me the silent treatment. "Damn it's like that? Just know that I lost way more than you did." I walk away and grab my bag then storm out of detention before the teacher could even get a chance to ask me where I'm headed. I rush to the principal's office and quickly open the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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