Libra the Servant of Justice

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Key Characteristics

+ Diplomatic                                       - Indescisive

+ Charming                                    - Delusional

+ Fair and Justice-Seeking            - Confused and Careless

Libra, the 7th Sign of the Zodiac, is represented by the symbol of the Balancing Scales. Naturally, the buzzword here is ‘Balance’.

Unsurprisingly, most Libra individuals are balancers – of varying degrees. Also, since a pair of Scales always has two aspects, two sides – Libra-born too has two sides to his/ her personality and thinking. Yet, unlike Gemini, the most Libra individuals don’t let this aspect rule their personalities.

They are, rather, what you would call, as ‘the weighing options and then deciding (and picking the peaceful option  kinds’. They value fairness and justice above most things, and are natural soothers and harmonizers.

On their own, most Libras will steer clear of conflict or arguments, and would also not prefer to create or cause conflicts and disagreements.

Owing to this trait, they make for good team players. Friendly, amiable and attractive, Libra individuals are also quite popular among their friends, more so because they tend to play able, trustworthy and balanced team strategists for their groups. However, many a Libra are found to be too Delusional– for their own good.

their consciousness is also pervaded by ideas about how to balance everything around them, whether it is at home or at their work-place.

What they seek is to maintain harmony between opposing parties. They are also very level-headed and therefore are much sought after for practical solutions. And, because they are so energetic, they are also very alert and agile, but since they exert themselves so much, they tend to run out of steam easily. They are prone to bouts of moodiness. Sometimes they come across as being very positive, helpful, joyful and friendly; however, at other times there will be an unmistakable dark aura surrounding their heads, and at such times they can be utterly negative and extremely insensitive to the pains of others. Although they are endowed with enough potential to make the best for themselves where they are situated, they often tend to lose focus by exploring around for other opportunities. In a nutshell, they are an intelligent and fun person to be around with. 

In the Bright Side they have Fun and Outgoing Nature, Diplomatic, Intelligent, Fair-Minded, Charming and Independent but in the Darker Side they can be Confused, Delusional, Indecisive and Self-Indulgent.

They can be critical of others’ ways, they can be quite difficult to manage, once they get into any of these modes. Good thing is that most Libra-born are able to effectively reign in this side of their personality, rather using the gift of tact and diplomacy to get positive results. In relationships, the Scales or Libra are very loving and careful. They make for beautiful, elegant partners, always well turned out, and are a treat to be taken along on dates, parties and social dos. Most Libra-born are graceful, polite and admire beauty in all its forms. They love a good life!

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