The Most Deadly Signs

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Everyone has their breaking point right? But this signs can be terrifying when provoked, most of them have Sharp temper, Delusional, Vengeance-seeking and can be very Destructive you will regret angering them, these Zodiac Signs you never want to messed up with.

Aries, as a fire sign and a cardinal - a powerful combination, which makes them preciously terrifying, They have Destructive power and their Impatient and Impulsive nature makes them do things that are regretful, they have bad temper like fire who destroys everything in their path, their Rage can be as loud as an atomic Bomb.

Taurus, this sweet and calm creatures are deadly when provoked, as earth sign and a fixed sign a very Unstopable Opponent, When you describe a Taurus it's only one word - Stubborn, these people once made up their mind can never be stopped, they are hard as rock, and can be Resentful and Revengeful, these traits makes them terrifying

Cancer, as a prominent Water sign and Cardinal - Deadly Opponent, people underestimate how sensitive this sign can be and usually surprised how Destructive this sign are, Nurturing yet Destructive, they are capable of protecting or destroying you, as a Cancer they are not the one who initiate fight but they are a fierce and terrifying opponent when provoked, Manipulative & Inutitve, Cancerians are capable of creating Hurricane, they are not the one to be messed up with or you'll end up Crying.

Scorpio, Emotionally Intense in everything they undertake, this Water and fixed sign is a fearless opponent, this sign can plan patiently about the perfect revenge, they will never stop and will always come back for plan B, this people are vengeance-seeking and will do anything to get it.

Sagittarius, as a mutable and fire sign, these people are brutally honest, they know the truth about you and will hurt you in the most painful way, extremely random and energetic, there rage can be destructive and brutal.

Pisces, never underestimate your enemy, they are cruel and destrcutive once pushed and their power can be powerful, they are capable of creating more damage than any other signs

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