Cancer the Protector

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Key Characteristics:

+ Persistent.         - Temperamental

± Driven                 - Spiteful

+ Intuitive.           - Manipulative

Cancer the Crab. Those who are born under this Zodiac Sign the 4th in the Zodiac calendar, usually love their homes and their roots. The Cancer is the most Emotional Sign of the entire Zodiac.

Sensitive and emotional, the Cancer take great pleasure in the comforts of their Heritage and Home, the Crabs possess a deep maternal instinct and are intuitive and perceptive by nature. They are likely to have huge families, providing for others, protecting and building a nest wherever they go.

They are the Most Emotionally Intellegent of all Zodiac Signs because they have Deep Understanding, Shrewdness, Intuitive, Adaptability, They have Great Memory and never forgets things whether Good or Bad and They can draw a Forceful Strength when they have to.

Since they are emotional, the Crabs are more concerned with expressing and absorbing emotions. Aloof and Cold to many. But this Toughness is actually their defence mechanism created to protect them against heartache and emotional turmoil. Cancer-born can be very possessive. Often they get on others' nerves for latching on to everything including wealth and every word that was ever said to them.

Cancer, on the outside the world sees a tough almost impenetrable exterior, they have hard time trusting others and it would be hard on other people to get Cancer's trust, but once you get it you'll desreve it, beneath that shell lays a soft chewy and vulnerable element.

When someone hurted them and his loved ones this happens the crab use it's powerful claws to 'pinch' the person who inflicted the hurt. This gives Cancer a reputation for being a moody sign with a sharp temper at times.

This is not really the case; rather people constantly underestimate just how sensitive this sign is and are then surprised when they fall foul of the Cancerian defence mechanism. A negative sign, the Cancerian does not take criticism well and such perceived attacks are likely to bring out the vindictive side to their nature.

Emotional manipulation tends to be the Cancerian weapon of choice although they are not above prolonged periods of sulking if they feel the need to convey their displeasure in something

Kind and cordial till they are in a good mood, they can get bitter and melancholic, often getting hurt by trivial things. It is often observed that in order to draw sympathy, the Cancer-born can be fairly insensitive towards others, foul-mouthed, rude and short-tempered. Only a truly sensitive soul would manage to notice that this seemingly rude behaviour is a disguise, a clever means to hide complexes and insecurities.

It is difficult to understand, but on most occasions, the Crabs can be Attractive, admirable, compassionate and understanding particularly when everything is going on smoothly in their life. The Crabs have a sharp intellect and are good with their fine motor skills.

On the Bright Side they can be Protective, Shrewd, Intuitive, Adaptable, Loyal, Nurturing and Strong. While on the Dark Side they can be Manipulative, Moody, Possessive, Pessimistic, Suspicious, Clingy and Unable to let go of the Past.

There Emotional Nature makes them very Expressive in their Feelings, They can express Hapiness as Sweet as Honey, Tearfully express their Sadness but they can also Express their Fiery Rage that is as loud as Bomb. They Don't usually want Revenge but when they do they do it in a very Painful Way, Perhaps that is why they end up making bitter enemies.

Cancers are the most underestimated zodiac signs, that's why people are shocked that Cancer are more powerful than they let on. as a Cardinal sign they can also be a good leader.

But If you hurt a crab, you better beware. There intense passion can be used for nurturing or destroying you.

They sting like a bee, and the same goes for becoming a crab's friend. They'll never forget it and will be sure to pay you back one day.

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