Gemini the Knowledge Gatherer

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Key Characteristics:

+ Sociable                   - Two-faced

+ Intelligent.               -  Changeable

+ Youthful                    - Insensitive

Being the "Twins" of the Signs, Gemini is the third Sign of the Zodiac. Lovers of talking, Gemini individuals love to interact with others, and are found to be very sociable people,  Gemini sign rules the planet Mercury the God of Communication.

Air Signs are very Sociable and more in Logic and Communication.

Also, being intellectually inclined, Gemini-born love to gather as much information as they possibly can, and they will also, without hesitation, share this information with their loved ones, as this gives them much fun. Most Gemini-born are versatile, lively, quick-witted and enthusiastic people, whose company is rarely boring.

Gemini-born would choose the career that keeps them busy enough, and one that offers ample opportunities to communicate. Gemini are also skillful and talented, they are great at multi-tasking and when it comes to work involving their hands and gross motor skills, but they don’t usually prefer repetitive tasks.

Thus, the careers, which demand new ideas, plenty of communication and fresh, new approach are ideal for Gemini. However, this very need for the new and fresh may make the Gemini-born a tad unreliable and shifty. Geminis are known to have dual personalities or double-minds, which frequently makes them wavering in their desires and choices.

Geminis are known to be two-faced, you have two personalities you can never seperate, Geminis have multiple mannerisms, beliefs and attitudes, they are also discredited for being low on concentration and listening skills. Nonetheless, in their closest relationships, Gemini-born are seen to be loyal and faithful.

At a single moment, you may have dual feelings of both love and hate, and so at times, it may be quite difficult for you to separate between the two emotions. Not only for you, but also for others around you, it would become extremely confusing. This can also impact your own judgement. Sometimes, you may end up considering your well-wisher to be your enemy. Nonetheless, you are blessed with the power of insight. Though, you may often be unmindful of it, when you are aware of it, you may be inclined to misuse it. You are a good communicator, a good orator and very witty – these characteristics of yours could win you some really good friends

Gemini in the Bright Side are very Sociable, Adaptable, Friendly Intelligent, Quick-witted with a very good sense of humour, they are most likely to start communication with others and there life is an open book for many. on the dark side they get easily Bored, and becomes very loud that can be too annoying for others, they may appear two-faced because of their multiple mannerisms and might withdrawn others, they can also be Gossipy, forgetful, Changeable and very insensitive.

When in love, Gemini are versatile, entertaining, inquisitive and stimulating. They also take a good care of the needs of their family. At all levels in a marriage, Gemini-born stand for equality, so female Geminis may pursue their careers, even after having children. Geminis also have many friends, and they are alert and watchful to the needs of their friendships.

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