one; dreaming

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"This is a joke now." Ava growled as she shoved another bunch of flowers into the bin.

It had been a week since Ava received the box of chocolates and first bouquet of roses, and it had turned into a regular occurrence much to Ava's growing anger.

She'd taken to spending the night at either Mason's or Scott's houses, but flowers just ended up on their doorsteps also with her name on the note.

Ava and Theo were spending the night at Scott's house the previous night, and when Ava woke up to Melissa handing her a bouquet of roses, she was ready to explode. Ava tried to not look upset with Melissa before she left for the hospital and gave her a tight smile, but when the woman left the house, Ava stomped downstairs and tried to shove the flowers in the overflowing bin.

"It's a little bit funny." Stiles said from where he stood watching her with Theo, Scott and Isaac.

Ava and the four young men had spent the night playing video games, trying to put some normalcy back into their lives before Scott, Stiles and Lydia left for college. They all hoped they would actually be able to get away from Beacon Hills this time, but with their lives, nobody could be sure if they'd ever escape the supernatural ongoings.

"I don't even like roses." Ava snapped and kicked the bin in frustration.

"Take notes." Stiles whispered to Theo mischievously. Theo smirked back, pleased that Stiles was finally starting to ease up on him and not show how much he disliked him anymore. Or maybe Theo was growing on Stiles.

"Stiles, shut up." Ava growled and closed her eyes whilst she grabbed the countertop with a tight grip, her knuckles turning white with the strength of her hold. "Why aren't you worried? They clearly know where we all live. Shouldn't you be freaking out?"

"Ava, I think you're overreacting." Scott said carefully and held his hands up when the angry girl spun around to glare at him.

"It's probably just Nolan." Stiles said and Ava turned a questioning eye on him. "You know, to apologise for beating you up that time."

"I hate you." Ava glared at Stiles who was having way too much fun at her expense. "He already apologised. Besides, he's too scared of Theo to try anything like that."

The four young men all had different reactions to her statement and spoke at the same time.

"Good, he should be."

"Well, then he's an idiot. Who'd be scared of Theo Raeken?"

"Poor kid."

"I understand why."

It was pretty easy to guess who had said what, and Ava just rolled her eyes at them. "Boys." She scoffed.

"Well, what about Hayden?" Stiles asked.

"What about her?" Ava asked him back.

"Could it be her?" Stiles said slowly as though he was talking to a child.

"One... she doesn't even live near here anymore, which you know. So I doubt she'd have flowers delivered from over in a different state. And two... she knows I don't like roses and she's allergic to them, so it was a win win situation when we were together."

"Right. So, here's the plan..." Stiles finally said after thinking about the situation for a while, when he got an idea.


Later that night, Ava was camping out in one of the trees in Scott's front yard with Theo, whilst Stiles and Isaac were in another, and Scott was hiding out in the living room listening out, so he could be ready to open the door quickly and grab someone if they came that night.

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