six; movie marathon

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Ava woke up to a blinding flash flickering across her closed eyelids. Ava whined and moved her hands up over her face to try and get some more sleep, but then she felt the hard texture of whatever she was sleeping on and knew that it wasn't a bed or a couch. It wasn't comfortable at all, really, but she didn't want to move.

"Stiles, go back to sleep." Scott's voice drifted up from somewhere below Ava and she felt a hand smack her leg sharply.

"Ow. I'm not Stiles." Ava groaned into her hands, totally offended by that remark and kicking her leg out somewhere in Scott's direction from when he hit her leg.

"What's wrong with being me?"

Laughter filled the air and Ava dropped her hands from her face and opened her eyes. Theo, Stiles and Lydia were stood in the doorway to Scott's house smiling down at her.

"What are you doing?" Ava asked them tiredly.

"Sleeping down the steps like a weirdo." Stiles said smirking. "Oh, wait... that's you two. Is that even comfortable?"

Ava sat up and suddenly felt the sharp pain in her back where she was lay across the steps leading up the decking in front of Scott's house. "Ouch."

"I take it that means no?" Lydia said rhetorically.

"Did someone take a picture of us?" Ava asked realising what the flash must have been that roused her from her sleep.

"Of course." Stiles grinned. "Couldn't miss the opportunity. Scott, buddy, are you alive down there?" Stiles asked curiously.

Ava's eyes followed where Stiles was looking and realised that Scott had some how ended up upside down and was sleeping the other way to Ava; with his head at the bottom of the steps and his feet up by where her head used to be.

"What time is it?" Scott finally asked instead of answering Stiles about his aliveness status.

"It's gone noon." Lydia informed them. "You're lucky neither of you snore or you'd have attracted even more attention."

"What's for breakfast?" Ava asked as she stood up and stretched out her aching limbs that came back to life as she moved around.

"Theo made pancakes!" Mason shouted from inside.

Scott was on his feet then hearing that, and he and Ava fought their way trying to be the first one through the open door; barging past Theo, Stiles and Lydia.

Ava barrelled into the kitchen, spotting Corey and Mason sat on the couch as she passed, with Scott right on her tail but when they got there, there was no food in sight but she could smell it.

"They're all gone." Corey said unhelpfully from the living room where he was sat with Mason.

"You could've saved some." Ava mumbled, walking back into the living room and joining the others as sat spread around the room.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Theo's a good cook." Stiles said, reluctantly complimenting the chimera he's still weary of. "And, I mean really good. Ava, you're pretty lucky considering that you can't cook or bake for shit."

Theo smirked at the compliment and that made Stiles roll his eyes, but Ava was focused on how Stiles had just insulted her.

"Excuse me?" Ava demanded. "That's not true."

Ava looked around at the others, waiting for someone to back her up, but they all seemed to be avoiding her eyes except for Stiles who was smirking smugly. "Mason." She whined. "Tell him."

"Tell him what?"

"That I can cook." She said sharply.

"Um... well..." Mason stuttered.

Anchors; Theo Raeken [2]Where stories live. Discover now