nine; spy trio

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After a night of mind blowing sex, most girls would probably stay in bed to cuddle or something sappy like that; but Ava was a determined girl on a mission and all kinds of intrusive thoughts running around her erratic mind.

She was on a mission to murder someone, to hell with whatever Scott thought. When she woke up that morning, her pleasurable bliss that ended the night before was gone; and her violent rage had resurfaced like a vengeful deity.

Ava had discovered that Theo was actually a heavy sleeper a lot of the time, despite his childhood with the Dread Doctor's; so she was easily able to manoeuvre around him in the bed as she searched her bedroom for what she needed. She found Theo's black beanie and an old black hoodie of hers. She put on a fresh pair of clothes and pulled the hoodie on over her head, then tied her hair at the back of her head so it could be concealed pretty well with Theo's beanie.

Then she found the pair of handcuffs that she kept in her room in case of an emergency... a werewolf emergency. They were quite strong and reliable, usually able to hold Ava back if she still needed it some full moons; so they should be able to restrain Theo long enough for her to get her plan in motion.

She climbed on top of Theo who was still sleeping, the chimera letting out a pleased rumble as he shuffled further down into the bed. He didn't even notice as Ava moved his arms towards the headboard and clasped the cold metal cuffs around his wrists.

Deciding to take a few more precautions, Ava locked her bedroom window and physically carried her bedside table out of her room to use as a barricade in front of her bedroom door to stop Theo from getting out too easily.

When she was sure she'd trapped her chimera lover enough, she went downstairs and locked all those windows too and then went outside to the front yard.

She unlocked her phone and dialled the only person she thought would come on a spy mission with her without asking too many questions, someone who would just be happy doing something like what she had planned.

Ava arrived at her destination and knocked the door. Stiles flung the door open instantly looking disheveled and Ava could hear Lydia further inside the house.

"You're gonna help me, right?" Ava asked briskly, not in the mood for dallying around when she had a mission to complete.

"Duh, obviously, I'm not gonna let you run rampage around the town on your own." Stiles said sarcastically. "But I'm gonna need more information."

Ava narrowed her eyes at him. "What else do you need to know?" She demanded, following him into the house and giving Lydia a brief smile when she saw her drinking a cup of coffee on the sofa. "This guy needs to get taken out."

"Okay, Scott is becoming more lenient on people being taken out as you call it, but I don't think he'll be okay with this." Stiles said cautiously, mirroring her words back at her. "But I really need something to go on, kid."

"I helped you when you didn't trust Theo. You made me go to the woods with you, and I believed you, Stiles." Ava said pleadingly. "Please, believe me now, Stiles. He's not a good person."

"Oh, don't worry. Of course I believe you, Ava." Stiles assured her as he looked around for his sneakers and tried to put them on stood up, balancing on one leg at a time. "Being with the FBI was fun and all, but nothing beats my investigations in Beacon Hills. So, let's go get our spy on and catch this guy."

Ava and Stiles high-fived each other and were about to head out when they heard the other girl in the house clear her throat sharply.

Ava and Stiles looked to the banshee in unison, expressions looking like children caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Lydia looked slightly amused as she watched the two. "And what am I meant to tell Scott when he wants to know what you two miscreants are up to?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2022 ⏰

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