seven; bullets shot

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Warning: This chapter contains
torture and violence.


When Ava woke up the next morning, she wasn't surrounded with Theo's scent as she'd gotten used to over the last few weeks. Reaching for her phone on the bedside table she saw that it had only just turned 8am.

She focused her senses and she could hear her parents talking downstairs, but she couldn't hear or smell Theo at all, so she decided to go and answer her curiosity. She quickly showered before getting dressed for the day and then started walking downstairs, as she did, a sweet smell filled the air that made her mouth water.

When she got into the kitchen, she found her parents sat at the table eating pancakes.

"I've got to say, sweetheart. Your boyfriend knows how to cook." Her mother said as she finished off her plate.

"Did he save me some?" Ava asked desperately, that's two people that have said that to her now, and the first one was Stiles who still wasn't Theo's biggest fan yet. She didn't want to admit it the previous day, but she knew that Stiles was right when he said she couldn't bake or cook; it was one thing that she'd never been able to do well even if she followed instructions from a recipe, something just always seemed to go wrong. So, having a sort of boyfriend who was a good cook was a win in her books.

"In the oven." David told her as he stood up along with her mother and they started clearing up their plates before they started getting ready to go visit Ava's grandparents for the next couple of days.

Ava went over to the oven and pulled out a plate of pancakes that had been left there to stay warm in the oven. She grabbed some syrup out of the cupboard and then sat down at the table, drenching the warm pancakes in the sugary treat. Ava was cutting into her breakfast when her mother came back downstairs now she was dressed.

"Where is Theo, by the way?" She suddenly asked, having forgotten about that fact when she got distracted by the pancakes.

"He said he was going for a run."


Theo had woken up early that morning and after making breakfast for Ava and her family, he drove out to the preserve so he could go for a run in his wolf form.

After he was finished running and had shifted back into human form, he was getting dressed back into his clothes when he heard a gunshot ring through the woods and he froze momentarily before focusing his senses.

He could make out about five heartbeats, one more erratic than the others, Theo guessed that would be whoever was on the other end of the gun.

He quickly ran back to his truck where he left it hidden from sight, something he had to learn to do before Ava invited him to live with her. Theo started driving back towards the town, making sure he wasn't being followed. When he was sure that he had gone unnoticed, he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and called Scott. He connected his phone to his truck so he could still drive as he spoke to Scott. The alpha picked up after just a few rings.

"Theo? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just thought you'd like to know I heard gunshots in the woods." Theo told the alpha.

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