four; realisations

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"I don't want to talk." Ava repeated and threw her arms around Theo's neck, pulling him down to kiss her.

Theo started to kiss her back but then he grabbed her by the waist, keeping a tight grip so the towel around her didn't fall, and pushed her back slightly.

"You may not want to talk, but I think you need to. You're upset." He said, realising she was projecting her emotions and trying to avoid expressing what she was truly feeling.

"I'm not upset." She said, keeping her arms wrapped around Theo's neck, trying to pull him back down towards her lips again but he held back. "I'm not. Why would I be upset? I'm fine."

Theo felt a sharp pain against the back of his neck, and the scent of his blood filled the air, but Ava didn't even seem to notice. "Really?" He asked gently and grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands down between them both so they could see that her claws were out and covered in blood.

Ava's bright blue eyes widened and Theo realised she really hadn't noticed her claws elongating. "I'm sorry." She mumbled and tried to pull her hands away but Theo tightened his hold and rubbed his thumbs in soft circles against the skin of her wrists.

"Don't be." Theo said quietly and continued rubbing her wrists until her claws disappeared.

"I don't know what's wrong with me." She mumbled and took Theo by surprise when tears filled her eyes which she tried to wipe away hastily. "God, now I'm crying and you don't even want me anymore."

Theo felt his own eyes widen as the surprise shone clearly on his face. "What?" He asked and couldn't help but chuckle. "I think I've made it pretty clear how much that's not true. Like embarrassingly clear."

Ava's lips twitched but then her mouth formed a frown as the remainder of her stray tears rolled down her face. "Then why won't you kiss me?"


"Then why won't you kiss me?" Ava asked, looking up at him, worried about what his reply would be. She knew she was acting irrationally but everything was starting to build up in her and she was getting near breaking point.

"Like I said, you're upset and I'm not going to do anything whilst you don't really want to, even if you think you do." He explained and Ava felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest, with the build up of how truly happy that made, pushing away all of her negative feelings.

I think I love him. Ava thought to herself, hearing that he wouldn't do anything she didn't want and truly believing him was like a wake up call she needed to realise her feelings.

Ava grabbed his shoulders and went up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "Thank you." She said gratefully. "Now, get out and I can change."

Ava turned and went back over to where she'd put her clothes but looked back over her shoulder when she didn't hear Theo walking away from where he stood. He had a smirk on his face which made her stomach flutter with excitement.

"I said we're not going to do anything, but I'm not gonna miss out on a chance to watch you." He said with that infuriating smirk on his face that along with his words made her face flush.

Ava turned back around to hide the smile on her face as she let the towel drop to the floor, pooling around her feet, before she slowly got dressed back into her clothes. Finishing off as she bent over to lace her trainers up, smirking when she heard Theo groan behind her.

"Tease." He muttered and giggled fell from her lips that was now curving up more and more.


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