Are you ok -Chopper

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When you woke up you were in your bed "DID THAT BASTARD GET ME DRESSED AND CARRY ME TO MY BED" you thought to yourself as you held the wall and walked to your dresser to get some clothes for a shower. "Bonjour, ma dame" you knew that voice from anywhere you turned your head around and saw Sanji "Son of a-" you said a bit angry but you knew you had no right since you were the one who agreed "bébé, je suis désolé" he said with a sincere look on his face you blushed a bit at that but tried your hardest to look as mad as possible "You went so rough, i can't even walk."  he smirked "So does that mean you had fun?" your face turned red "I can't say i didn't" then you smirked thinking to yourself "two can play that game"  Sanji's smirk came to a gentle smile and he said "la nourriture est faite, better go eat before Luffy eats your food" you sighed "Yeah, yeah can you please save it while i take my shower?" Sanji smiled then said "Sure" he walked out the room and screamed "LUFFY IF YOU TAKE ANY OF ZURI'S FOOD YOU'RE DEAD MEAT" you heard Luffy run out the kitchen and say "OK, BUT IF SHE TAKES TO LONG I'M NOT GOING TO LET IT GO TO WASTE Shishishi" you could imagine him smiling then you heard his laugh and run back to the kitchen "If he eats my food then I'll chop him in half" you thought to yourself knowing you wouldn't actually do it you carefully walked to the bathroom with your clothes then put your clothes on the shelf above the toilet you went in the shower and thought of what happened the night before while you were thinking a soft smile crept on to your face you liked it there it wasn't like the place you were before, not at all. 

You got out of the shower and dried yourself off put on some lotion then put on your clothes. you walked in the kitchen to see Zoro and Luffy sleeping and smiled "Aweee their so cute" you knew you liked Sanji but what's the harm of thinking Luffy and Zoro was cute (I DO NOT SHIP ANYONE SO DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT THEY BOTH JUST ATE TO MUCH FOOD OK THEY WEREN'T EVEN NEXT TO EACH OTHER!!) you saw a plate with a large plate cover on top it had a sticky note that said "EAT ZURI'S FOOD AND I'LL KILL YOU"  your face was tinted pink when you read it  "Aweee Sanjiiiii" you said to yourself as you took it to your room so you wouldn't bother Luffy or Zoro while they slept. 

While you walked to you room you tripped over something and fell face first on the ground and ALL the food came falling on the floor tears came down your face as you saw the food fall you couldn't help it all you food was now on the floor and it looked like your leg was twisted too Chopper came running out his office and went into human form to pick you up "ARE YOU OK!?" he asked with a really worried look on his face, you couldn't answer your leg hurt too much and all your food, EVERY SINGLE PIECE, was on the FLOOR (😭 bro I feel you this has happened to me so many times) Chopper ran to his office and Sanji went to his office a couple minutes later "Hey Chopp- WHAT  HAPPENED TO YOU Bébé" you were asleep so you obviously couldn't hear him but chopper answered for you "She tripped and fractured her leg when i took an x-ray both her legs were strained and really stiff although I don't know why they were since she couldn't tell me she also had a concusion and might be in a coma i'm not sure, and also i suggest you make her another plate of food since all of hers fell on the floor" Sanji kissed your forehead and left to make some food for you "Was she really in that much pain, was I that... rough?" he asked himself while cooking. 

 You woke up the next week to the smell of meat (yes you were in a coma) you tried to get up but you couldn't so you went back to sleep when you woke up you saw food next to you "Chopper...?" you whispered since chopper was now in the room he turned around "yes? wait WHAT you're awake???" you smiled "can you give me some food i can't move" you laughed a bit in embarrassment and in reassurance "ok!" chopper got up went into human form and fed you some food you smiled because it seemed like you were starving for days chopper smiled seeing that you were awake (yes you were still trying to get to fishman island sorry for the time lapse) then when you were done he left to get Sanji since Sanji requested to see me when i woke up "SANJIIIII" Sanji gloomily stood up and walked towards Chopper, Chopper quickly grabbed his hand and ran as fast as he could towards his office "What chopper" Sanji asked almost angerly "LOOK!" chopper said in excitement Sanji looked at you laying down then his face lit up seeing that you were awake "Bébé, I am so sorry this is all my fault!!!" He said guilty you smiled seeing him so worried about you "No it's not I'm just clumsy" you said with a weaker smile and he started crying and kissed you all over your face "I'm sorry to interrupt but, SANJI GET OFF THE PATIENT SHE'S WEAK!!"

To be Continued 

I AM SO TIRED and if you can't speak French, I got you, just  use google translate 👍🏽- your lovely Author San  

Bruh why Author san gotta do that here i'll put some translations below! -Editor/Bro 

bonjour madame = Hello, Madam

bébé, je suis désolé = Baby, I'm sorry 

la nourriture est faite = the food is made

bébé = baby

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