#Girltalk LMFAOO

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(when it says you went to your girl quarters you're sitting on the blue circle above  nami on the orange and robin on the purple but the chair was turned around to face you and Nami)

"ROBINNNN DON'T SAY THATTTT" you said red "But it's true" Robin said still looking at her book "say what???" Usopp and Chopper said as Chopper looked at you, nami, and robin curiously "Oh nothing you two would understand" said Nami trying to change the subject saving you from answering any questions "WE'RE BACKKKKK" said luffy obnoxiously "Finally" you said as you got up and tried to walk over but almost tripping  every step you took "Woah watch out" Zoro said as he walked over to you (Ahhh how much i love swordsmen are over the roof specifically law  and zoro but over all BON CLAYYYY 😍🥰) Zoro helped you as you guys went back to the ship (Hoping sanji would huh 🤨🤨😏) Nami clearly mad luffy gave away all her gold went to her room grabbing you which made Sanji sad and Robin being Robin followed you and Nami to your little girl quarters "Uhmmm why was i dragged here" you asked clearly forgetting the conversation from earlier "To find out what you and Sanji did "love" wise" she said smirking "We didn't do anythinggg" you said trying to get out of this situation "Oh really?" Robin said intrigued "Yes. Really." you said trying to sound convincing "I'M NOT TAKING IT!!" Nami said clearly not convinced then you three heard a knock at the door "Who is it" you and Nami say in unison "I brought my lovely goddesses some food please let me in before LUFFY tries to eat it all" Sanji said clearly struggling you and Nami look at each other "Are you two not going to open the door?" Robin said setting her book down walking up to the door then soon after looking at you two approving you two's reaction in amusement and opening the door "Thank you" Sanji said smiling and giving you three your meals you had a root beer float with some NAAN and hummus, Nami some pink lemonade and a strawberry whipped parfait, and Robin some coffee with some sandwich's you three smiled at your meals then said your thanks to Sanji then when Sanji came up to you to give you your meal he whispered quietly "Come to my room tonight and remember to follow my rules okay Kitten" you turned red for a quick sec then looked down at your food he took that as a yes and gave Robin her food and made his exit (He gave Nami her food first) "AWEEEEEE WE WANT A SNACK TOOO" You heard luffy say as he followed sanji then you looked at Nami as she giggled then at robin to see she was doing the same "Hmn?" you said confused "Sooo you and Sanji do do stuff according to your face earlier" Nami said looking at you "Well i hope you two use safety because i don't want your child to be living a life on a ship" Robin said as you felt your face heat up "Ahhhhhh you saw that!?????" you said as you three heard the door open again "Uhmm Zuri can you help me with something if your not doing anything important that is" Usopp said quietly yet ADORABLY feeling like he was interrupting something "No she ca-" Nami started but you cut her off feeling usopp was saving you "YEAH SURE WHAT DO YOU NEED HELP WITH" You said standing up Usopp smiled and lead you out towards his work area and when you got far away you looked back and sighed "Phew thanks for saving me Usopp" you said knowing that he knew he got you out of something "No problem that's what friends are for right" Usopp said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and you did the same as you two started laughing cause your little scheme worked (BROOO USOPPS THE BOMBBB) When you got there usopp explained on what he needed help with and it was quite easy too so you two quickly finished it and then you too just chatted for a while till it was dinner time in which you and usopp were forced by sanji to wash your hands 10 times before you ate so you wouldn't get sick which was an often occurrence to which he forced you and usopp to do that before every meal knowing your hands were dirty then after dinner you knew sanji was going to try to catch you before you got out the kitchen so you hid behind Zoro as  you walked out which made him confused at first but then he just shrugged it off but Sanji knew your schemes so once it was nightime and Zoro fell asleep (you two chatted whilst working out as usual) he went up to the birds nest and smirked at you seeing you were awake "Kitten, why were you trying to escape me throughout the day" he said walking over to you and knowing you were to tired to get up or move he picked you up "How are we gonna get down?" you said cautiously not to wake Zoro "Sky jump" Sanji said casually and like he said he sky jumped down and brought you to his room "So why were you hanging out with that mosshead knowing you would get a bigger punishment for not just being naughty at the island but for hanging out with the person i hate most on the boat?" he said amused "cause he's my workout buddy" you said honestly and happily "Oh, really. well from this day to the end of this month. he won't be" he said making you mad but ultimately sad you started crying a bit not knowing who had better workout ideas that were healthy for you in particular then Zoro which made sanji even prouder of himself yet a bit guilty seeing that you were crying then he looked at you and saw you were only wearing a bra, some shorts, and to his assumption some panties. then he smirked "You don't look cute in those clothes when you cry, Kitten " he said demanding "I don't care" you said crying harder he then took your bra off carefully and took his shirt off leaving both your upper bodies bare "Leave me alone" you said still sad he took away your workout buddy "If your obedient and good tonight then i'll  give you back your workout buddy" you perked up happily after he said that "Thank you... daddy" you said innocently and happily he took off his belt and went to his drawers then to what you could barely see since the lights were off and the doors were closed he got out to what you assumed were some fluffy... handcuffs OH HECK NO YOU WERE NOT GOING TO WEAR THAT You thought to yourself he took off his pants then walked up to you made you stand up and took of your shorts and soon... your panties leaving you bare and him in his boxers "Lye down" he demanded you lied down not only committed to get your workout buddy back now but to see if he dared to cuff you up "Now Kitten, if you aren't good then i will cuff you up ok?" he said seriously you nodded then he took a survey of your body as if he was a perverted doctor and sat over top of you whilst surveying it then to your unexpected-ness he licked your neck which made you almost scream but abruptly stopped after hearing sanji harshly whisper "Be quiet before the crew hears you... Kitten." he propped his hands on your breasts after teasing you a bit by licking or bitting your upper body "Daddy? why are your boxers still on" you said trying to tempt him by bringing your legs in between his thighs "Kitten don't be desperate" he said teasing two can play that game "But Daddyyyyy" you said trying to be  ✨k i n k y✨ "woah... Kitten... don't be so demanding... remember daddy has all night" he said still teasing which made you frown but to you amusement he got up to take off his boxers which it still shocked you how large his thang was "Kitten your eyes seem to be off somewhere else" he said making your head snap back up then he smirked "Say since i took of my boxers it would only be fair if you put on my handcuffs" he said taking them out and you rolled your eyes "That wasn't a comment it was a demand now lay down kitten" he said sharply making you lie down quickly then realizing how fast you gave in you quickly grew red which made sanji smirk at your vulnerableness  "wow kitten i didn't know how desperate you were i'm sorry i took so long" sanji said making you grow even redder as he quickly clipped the handcuffs on while touching your body some more you eager to get back on top "Hey kitten... you look so hot under me, you know that" he said smirking whilst laying on top of your open body "I know but you wanna know something, i think i would look even hotter on top of you" you whispered which made him smirk even wider "Oh you think so?" he questioned while hugging your warm body "Mhm plus i would be able to obey you more" he took off the cuffs and slowly put his hands on your body moving up and down seeming to find where you were vulnerable then flipped you on top of him and grabbed your breasts which made you whine a bit but the you scooted down to his hips which made him smirk at how confident you were but then he grabbed your lower body causing you to land face first on his chest "Naughtyyy" he whispered flipping back over and sticking it in which almost made you yelp but he kissed you in order for you not too "Daddy" you said sharply he took it out and got up "What are you doing" you said as he put his clothes back on as if to punish you he kissed and touched all your body parts one last time before telling you to get you clothes on you obeyed him then he carried you back to the birds nest and jealously and hesitantly lied you back next to Zoro and to your dismay left you soon fell asleep and woke up the next day to feeling your pillow aka where you lied your head on zoro's leg trying to move away which made your instincts act up as you grabbed his thigh making himsit back down "Zuriiiii get offf" you heard a very groggy voice say "1 more hourrrr" you said scooting up between his legs making him stiffen and sternly yet groggily say "Get off or scoot down" you scooted whilst mumbling "Fine~ party pooper" you knew he probably was red at that moment but you didn't care because you saved both his and your workout schedule yesterday he soon fell back asleep and same goes for you until you two heard 2 hours later that everyone was yelling which made him and you sit up and look at each other soon deciding to go downstairs (This and the sanji stuff was after the underwater whirlpool thing) "Ughhh what nowwww"

 To be continued

Yes i'm leaving off on a cliffhanger why you may ask? because i gotta workout and turn in my homework and it's 9:50pm at night soo yeahhh- author san 😭✌🏽😪😅✌🏽 (emotions be like lmfaooo) Update 10:30 i didn't get to do my workout but i did my homework!!

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