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You were 9 months pregnant and your due date was uhhhh lets say February 6th cause why not have them then but they came 3 days late so you gave birth on February 9th "AHHHH SANJIIII I'M GONNA DIEEEE" You said as you were squeezing the life out of Sanjis hand "Ow, ow, ow, you can do this Zuri but please... stop squeezing my handdddd" Chopper was helping you and your son was already born a hour ago right now your daughter was coming out and it was painful af although your son was a bit bigger your daughter was f-ing stubborn "Wahhhhhhhh" Chopper smiled as he held your daughter "FINALLY" you exclaimed "She's adorable" Chopper said playing with her little hands "ARE MY NIECE AND NEPHEW BORN YET" Usopp said from outside Choppers office "Yes you can come in now" Usopp ran in and immediately held the boy and Zoro peeked in and held took the girl from Chopper "Awwww he's so precious" Usopp said as he tickled you son "What's their names??" Zoro said curios "Zion, emerald is the boy and Sapphire, Diamond is the girl." (Emerald and Diamond is there middle names and when the call her Dia it's pronounced Dee-Yuh) Zoro smiled and looked at Sapphire "Hi little Mawma" you and Sanji burst into laughter at Zoro being attached to Sapphire "Mossheads talking like he's never seen a baby before" Sanji said laughing so hard that he was crying "Aweeeee you're adorable Zozo" you said teasing him "Hmph i don't like this stupid baby no more plus she's assbrows kid" he said giving her back to you "Aw but Zoro she's my kid to" you said with a frown "Fine but only because she's your kid" Sanji started dieing from laughter "HAAHAHAHA MOSSHEAD LIKES MY KID" Zoro shot him a death glare "You're lucky your eyebrows didn't get passed down to your kid and that your Babe here has good enough looks to get passed down a generation or else these kids of your would be hella ugly" Sanji stood up and flames grew around both of them "GUYS REMEMBER ZORO IS HOLDING MY BABY AND I SWEAR IF YOU GET ONE MARK ON HER YOU TWO ARE BOTH DEAD" You said with the most deadliest look which made them both stop "Sorry Zuri-swan" Sanji said looking innocent "ye- i'm sorry too" Zoro said smiling at you then at the baby "Nos~" Zion said touching Usopps nose "AHH HE JUST SAID NOSEEEEE " Usopp screamed making Zion freeze and start whining "WAIT WHA-" You said shocked making Zion start crying "WAHHHHHHHHH" Usopp gave you the baby which made him cry more "NOSSSSSSSS" he said withing tears "He want's Usopp" Zoro said laughing you gave Usopp the baby to which made him stop crying "HEY ZURIIII I HEARD CRYINGGG" Luffy said busting into the room "AWEEEEEE CUTE BABIESS" He said taking Sapphire away from Zoro and to which made you all start laughing at how Luffy just stole the baby and ran out the room  "HEY FRANKY I GOT THE TEST SUBJECT GIVE HER THE TOY" You heard luffy scream which made you worried on what they were doing "Aweeee so these are the little things" Nami said as she walked up to Usopp to take Zion which made you all hold in your laughter because you just knew he was going to cry "I don't recommen-" Chopper said as he tried to stop her but it was to late she already took Zion away from Usopp ".....w-w-w-w-w-WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" Zion started crying at the top of his lungs "THE F^%! HE CAN TALK" You all burst into laughter at Nami's comment "USOPP TAAKE HIM AWAY CAUSE RIGHT NOW THE WEATHER FORCAST MIGHT ASWELL BE A TSUNAMI WITH THE AMOUNT OF TEARS THIS KID IS CRYING!" Usopp took him away as Robin walked in the room holding Sapphire "Franky and Luffy were trying to give this poor girl a 'play sword' and she started crying so i took her away" Brook came in the room behind her and smiled "Can i hold her?" he asked politely "Of course you can Brook" he smiled at her gently as he held her "She's the most beautiful baby i've ever seen... Oh Wait, I DON'T HAVE EYE'S YOHOHOHOHOHO" you all started laughing except of course the babies "HEYYY ROBINN YOU TOOK OUR TEST SUBJECT" Luffy said as he came busting into the room "SHE'S NOT A TEST SUBJECT" Nami said yelling which surprised the babies "FINE THEN" he said taking Zion from Usopp and making a run for it "FRANKYYY I GOT A NEW TEST SUBJECT SINCE NAMI SAID THAT THE GIRL WASN'T A TEST SUBJECT" Luffy yelled as you heard Zion start bawling for "Nos" aka Usopp soon after Franky came back in with a mad Zion and a disappointed Luffy "He kept crying and saying Nos so we brought him back to make him be quiet" Luffy said upset  "Here you can use Sapphire as long as you use it out here so we can watch what's happening" you said (you were outside on the deck now) then Zion stopped crying as Usopp held him and Luffy and franky played with Sapphire then soon after Zion stopped clinging on to Usopp cause he got jealous and started playing with them

~5 years later~  (Zions a little troublemaker and is a great swords master but he also has some mean kicks while Dia just likes talking to Nami or having fun with her brother and uncles and is great at using a bow and arrow and gun/slingshot she can also do a bit of newkama kempo which you taught her since Bon clay was also one of your bestfriends before you joined the straw hats😭😭😭😭😭😭 I MISS BON CLAY HE WAS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER WHY'D THEY HAVE TO DO HIM LIKE THAT!!! *Author sigh* I guess i still got Trafalgar Law 😭😭😭  ) 

"WAKE UPPP IT'S OUR BIRTHDAYSSSS" You here Zion screaming from the bird nests speaker "Ok Zy" you said tiredly walking to the deck with everyone else except Zion, Sapphire, Luffy and Zoro who were all in the birds nest "Dia come here so i can do your hair" you said to Sapphire as she came down from the birds nest with Zion "Ok mawma" you looked at Zoro "Mawma? Zoro did you teach her that" you said laughing "Maybe" Zoro said helping Dia and Zy down "Yeah he did and he also said that dad has some shitty eyebrows" Zy said proudly as if he were meant to say that "ZORO! DON'T TEACH THEM THAT" You said laughing "Whatttt am i wrong? If i am then you're Lieing" Zy smirked as Dia just looked at you as if she were saying 'sorry but uncle Zoro's always right...' you laughed and then Dia sat in front of you as you brushed her hair and gave her two ponytails "Zy come here so i can brush your hair then you two go to your daddy so he can get you dressed then you can play out here okay?" you said as Zy sat in front of you "Okayyyy" they said in unison. 

To be continued

 I'm gonna make a part two of this i'm just a bit tired and my computers bout to die sooooo yeah -Author san

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