Happy Bday!!

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When you were done with Zy's hair Zy and Dia decided to go play "Kids what did i tell you to do" you said they looked at you a bit confused "But mawma you said we could go playyyyy" said Zy "After you go to dad and change your clothes" Zy and Dia dragged their feet while going and Usopp walked past them and gave them high-fives "Goodddd morniinggggg!" Usopp said smiling "Morningggg!" you smiled back "MORNINGGGGGG" Luffy said screaming which made you laugh a bit Usopp took a seat next to you and you two talked for a while "MAWMAAA WE'RE DONEEEE" said Zy with the most enthusiastic voice "Hi Mawma~" said Sanji teasingly "Hi~" you said back making you both laugh "Well i'm gonna go hang with the kids so you two can have some alone time" said Usopp laughing "HEY UNCLE USOPP WANT TO PRACTICE WITH US" Zy said smiling "Yeah i bet i can shoot farther then you this time!" said Dia grinning "YEAH!" said Usopp jogging over there "I wonder if they'lll want another sibling" said you smiling at Sanji "Haha very funny Zuri we aren't having another one" you frowned "Yeah but if i wanted one would you make me one?" Sanjis face turned from blushing to a evil smirk "Don't give me any ideas or else we just might make another one" you smirked "Hey it was just an idea" you said innocently "Yeah but who knows maybe i might actually make you another one~" said Sanji putting his head on your neck "Yohohohoho i heard it was my little niece and nephews birthdays so i came out as fast as possible!" Zy and Dia turned towards brook "UNCLE BROOK AUNT ROBINNN YOUR FINALLY AWAKE?" said Zy "Good morning 😊!" said Dia smiling "Why wouldn't we be awake it's your birthday" said Robin lifting up Dia "GOOOOOODDDDD MORNINGGGGG" said franky coming out with a humongous box "Ooohh what's in the boxen" Zy said running towards Franky as Robin held Dia and walked over their "Yeah Superrrr uncle Franky whats in the box??" said Dia yawning "Here you two pull the sheet off on the count of 3 okay" Usopp lifted up Zy so he could reach the top of the box "OKAYYY" Said Zy and Dia in Unison "1, 2, 3!!" They pulled the sheet off and under it was a mini Sunny boat that they could ride in "WOAHHH SO COOOLLLLLLL!!!" Said Zy and Luffy in unison "Thank you Uncle Franky this is the best and most super boat in the world" said Dia politely which made Nami, Robin, you, and Sanji all eternally scream at how cute it was "Your welcomeeeee!" said Franky doing his Super pose "Diaaa you're so CUTEEE" Said nami lifting up dia off the ground and hugging her "I-i am? thank you..!" said Dia with the most cute face in the world "YEAH YEAH OK SHE'S CUTE C'MON DIA GET IN SO WE CAN DRIVE THIS THING" Said Zy excited to test it out "Okay!" said Dia running to Zy and hoping in the Mini Sunny "Okay i'm gonna throw you in the ocean after i attach this chain to you then you guys can drive the boat in the ocean" (it was like the Sunny but 2/3rds of the size of it so like a regular boat or Laws submarine)    Franky said attaching the chain "Okay you guys ready?" Zy and Dia smiled "YEAH" They said in unison "Uhmmm Franky don't you think this is a bit dangerous?" said Zoro looking at what was happening "Naw it'll be fineee" said Franky Lifting the boat up and bringing it over the edge "You guys can play out the until breakfast is done" You said too the kids "OKAYYY" Said Zy and Dia "Can i come on the mini sunny 😗👉🏽👈🏽" said Luffy looking at the Mini Sunny from the Sunny "YEAH C'MON UNCLE LUFFY" Said Zy jumping up and down "stop shaking the boat Zyzy" said Dia trying to keep the boat straight "YAY" said Luffy jumping on the boat 

~15 minutes later~

"Why hello Straw hats, it's been a long time. Hasn't it." said someone who was on to of the Birds nest "FRANKY BRING THE KIDS BACK ON THE BOAT!" said you and Sanji in unison "Gum Gum Jettttt ROCKET" said luffy coming back on the ship and luckily had the kids with him "Get inside kids!" You whispered to Zy and Dia "Ok" said them in unison "No, one's going anywhere at least not right now" said Kizaru who appeared in front of you "Kizaru-" you said sharply "YOU!" said Luffy "YOU WERE IN SABAODY!" Luffy said making everyone sweat drop "Well, you have some beautiful kids here said Kizaru lifting up Zy "LET ME GO YOU UGLY A$-" Zy said trying to kick Kizaru "Zy. Stop." Zy looked at you with tears in his eyes "Mommy, He's gonna kill me" said Zy crying "Don't worry, i'm not that evil i would never hurt a child" said Kizaru smiling "Uhm, Mr Kizaru sir can you please, let go of my brother... I know he's being a bit rude right now but he just doesn't like people holding him unless it's uncle Usopp of course" said Dia smiling "Dia-" said Zy shocked at how fearless she was "Ok since you were so polite about it i'll let him down" said Kizaru putting Zy down "Thank you Mr, If you want to you can hold me instead" said Dia still smiling "Dia- no" said Zy pulling Dia away "It's ok I don't want to hold you two anymore plus i came here to sink this ship" said Kizaru looking down at Dia "You can take me away instead... I don't want my family and friends to be sad..." said Dia sadly "DIA NO THAT'S TOO FAR!" said Zy mad but crying at the same time "TAKE ME IF YOU TAKE ANYONE I'M A HORRIBLE CHILD, PLUS I'M JUST A BURDEN TO EVERYONE HERE, JUST DON'T TAKE DIA!" Zy said crying "I'm not planning on taking either of you" said Kizaru still set on destroying the ship "You won't destroy my ship, and you won't be taking any of my friends" said Luffy walking towards Kizaru "Woah... whats going on here?" Said someone from next to the ship "What was that?" said kizaru walking towards the edge of the ship "Why hello there" said the person next to the ship "UNCLE AOKIJIIII" Said Dia elated that Aokiji came "Hello little one, now will someone please tell me whats happening?" Aokiji said confused (Aokiji visited 2 every year so he knew who Dia and Zy were) "Mr. Kizaru this is Uncle Aokiji, Uncle Aokiji this is Mr. Kizaru, Mr. Kizaru came here and said he wanted to destroy the ship but i said he can take me instead, then Luffy said that he won't destroy our ship, and he won't be taking any of our friends" said Dia pretty much explaining all that happened "Hmn, Kizaru why would you come here out of no where that's very unlike you" said Aokiji raising his eyebrow "It's classified to people who quit the Marines and leave to just, roam around." Kizaru said annoyed "Well i take care of this ship so you'll have to leave" said Aokiji said simply "Fine, but i'll be back sooner or later." said Kizaru who just left "UNCLE AOKIJI THAT WAS SO SCARYYYY DIA TRIED TO SACRFICE HER LIFE FOR THE SHIPPP" Said Zy crying and running into Aokijis arms "Yeah but you tried to sacrifice your life too i was just making sure my friends and family were safe..." Aokiji looked at her with a gentle smile and she joined in the hug "YEAH BUT THATS NOT FAIR, You idiot, we're supposed to stick together hmph" said Zy "Yeah but in the end we're all still here and your breakfast is in the kitchen getting eaten by Luffy" said Aokiji seriously "Mhm- WAIT WHAT LUFFY YOU BETTER NOT BE EATING OUR FOOD" Said Zy jumping out of Aokiji's arms and running towards the kitchen making Aokiji die from laughter "IF YOU EAT OUR FOOD I'LL CHOP YOU IN HALF" Said Zy opening the kitchen door and running in the kitchen "but... i'm outside?" said luffy dumbfounded making everyone die from laughter and Zy come outside embarrassed "hmph" he said as he sat in front of a standing Usopp you all had fun and by the end of the day Zy was sleeping with Usopp luffy and Chopper and Sapphire was sleeping with robin and Nami and you and Sanji were awake cuddling and kissing each other "what if we do have another kid though?" you whispered in Sanjis ear "you really want another one huh?" said Sanji smirking at you "Hey Zy and Sapphy are good kids. I wouldn't mind having another one especially with how good you are" you said making sanji smirk "Oh really" said Sanji hugging your waist "mhm" you said smiling The next day you woke up early and went up to the birds nest to see Zoro was already awake and waiting for you to start working out and you two talked and worked out as usual "Hey zoro." you said while drinking water "hm?" said Zoro lifting weights "would you like if there was another kid running around" Zoro looked at you and raised an eyebrow after you said that "It depends whose it is" said Zoro huffing and putting his weights down "But i wouldn't mind plus Zy's fun to play and train with, He takes a lot after you except his fiery attitude of course" you two laughed for a while and just hung out up there then soon after Zy came up in the nest "Uncle Zoro I can't sleep can i sleep up here with you" he said peeking into the room (not noticing you were there too) "Of course you can c'mere" Zy came into the room and lied down on the couch on soon after fell asleep "Does he always come up stairs" you said cautiously not to wake Zy up "Yeah he comes up here pretty often and if he doesn't he's sleeping with Usopp or just swinging on the swing downstairs" Zoro said making you frown

To be continued 

Hehehehe i'm gonna make another one and maybe you guys might have 3 kids 

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