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"JINBE!" you screamed out of complete joy. "WHERE WERE YOU??" you said while jumping up and down around him. "Tell me, is Luffy here?" he said while looking straight "Uhmmm, yeah why?" you said as you stopped in front of him. He looked straight and it seemed like he wasn't going to answer you so you just left back to the ship to wait for the crew. Then you got the brilliant idea to leave the ship and find the rest of the island you didn't know how but you wanted to so you walked pass Jinbe and looked up to see if there was an exit. "Where are you going?" Jinbe asked from behind you "Do you know how to get to that part of the island?" you said pointing at the rest of fishman island. 

-timeskip to when he gets you on the island and goes back to the jungle

"WOAHHH This is a great place to go shopping plus maybe i'll find some new weapons i can remodel or some rusted metal" you said while you were walking around the island "Oof, oops sorry" you looked up and to your joy it was Luffy, Usopp, and Brook "HEYYY ZURIIII" Luffy screamed while hugging you "Sanji's with chopper at camies place" Usopp whispered as he bent down to your ear and winked at you once he bent back up "YOHOHOHO Hey Zuri, can I see your KWAHHHH" he said but you slapped him before he could finish that sentence of his you met back with sanji and chopper at the pool and to your jealousy he was flirting and nose-bleeding with and at every and i mean EVERY mermaid in sight when he saw you on a rock talking and having fun with luffy he was jealous and slight a bit mad he came over to you and grabbed your arm (THIS IS BEFORE THE WHOLE PRINCE STUFFF) and took you away from both luffy and that place in general "Zuri." he said while piercing your eyes with his "What?" you asked confused and a bit mad "You know "what", why were you hanging out and having FuN with Luffy when you know you are MY princess" he asked seriously yet sadly "YOU. WANNA KNOW "WHY?" " you laughed  silence  "So you can hang out with a billion mermaids but i can't with my own captain?" you said disappointed and mad  silence yet again  "Mi Amor.... you don't know what kind of hell i was in throughout the 2 years.... please forgive me... i can't help it.." he said sadly while looking down at you "Sanji, you know i love you.. but i don't understand why you're getting mad-" He kissed you causing your sentence not to get finished (it kept going for like 30 secs 😪) then he grabbed your waist with one hand and hugged you with the other you started crying a bit "Shhhh, i promise i won't do it again ✋🏼✋🏼" he whispered as he hugged you you knew he would do it again but you knew he loved you more then the other girls so you were happy but just then you felt Sanji putting his forehead on your shoulder and once it was you realized that it was burning hot "SANJI! Why is your forehead burning? stand up for me please" you said abruptly which startled him "Hmn?" he said as he stood up straight you felt his forehead although from what you could see he probably did have a cold "Sanji- are you ok?" Sanji looked at you confused "yeah why are you looking at me like you saw a ghost or something?" he said with a hint of amusement to your vulnerableness "We gotta go find chopper." you said as you turned he looked at you trying to drag him towards the rest of the crew amused "No." he said shocking you "No? what do you mean No? we gotta find chopper" you said turning towards him "I have a better idea. How about you help me and if you can do that then, and only then will we go to chopper" he said smirking which made you know that he was up to some thing but before you could even approve he grabbed your waist and pulled you way to close for you to even breath (Thank me later~ 😏  you'll be like 😫) "So Zuri. you know, today's my birthday right? well... you never said happy birthday to me... and i think you deserve a punishment for not saying happy birthday to me don't you agree" he said as he loosened his grip on your waist and lowered his hand to your thigh "Hmn?" was he really expecting an answer you thought as he trailed his hand up and down your thigh. "Fine if you don't answer i'll take that as a yes daddy?" 'WHAAAA he wanted you... to call him... daddy? is he kidding' you thought to yourself "turn around for me Amor." he demanded as he sat down on the bench that was behind the building you two were at you stood there and didn't move an inch "so you want to play it hard i can play that way too and i was going to go easy on you and let you get away guess i don't know you very well" after he said that you turned around "Now sit kitten" he demanded 'Kitten? he thinks i'm his Kitten? fine two can play this game' you thought to yourself "Yes daddy" you said as you sat down on 1 of his legs you heard him gasp once you said daddy and sit on him which made you a bit amused but you kept your "innocent" act up "Kitten. I said my lap. not my leg. so scoot back" he said as he grabbed your waist which made you gasp and then stiffen "What's wrong kitten? cat got your tongue" he said and you just knew he was smirking "N-no dAddy" you said as you scooted back he moved down to your pelvic bone and right above your thang "you will obey every word i say for this whole month okay Kitten" he said amused yet demanding "and if i don't sanji" he moved back up to your breasts and whispered demandingly "Daddy." which made you gasp as he held your chest which made him smirk cause he could feel your movements "Daddy. c-can you let go?" he squeezed your breast which made you stiffen and said "now why would i do that if your enjoying this?" you put your hand on his thigh which immediately made him loosen his grip "Naughty, you know what naughty people get?" he said as he swiftly pinned you on the ground "SANJIIIII" (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA) you heard luffy scream and thank goodness of that cause he just saved you he got up and  helped you up like the gentleman sanji was "we'll finish this later" he whispered to you as he lifted you up knowing your legs were a bit shaky "YES LUFFY" he said back "Come here look at this" luffy said pointing at a flying? whale he put you down behind a rock with usopp "HIDE" usopp said thinking these people were gonna try to capture us and a mermaid grabbed sanji and hugged him right in her breasts which of course made sanji have a HUGE nosebleed and them notice us and then luffy and them talked as Usopp carried you (OMG I LOVE USOPP HE'S SO KINDDD🥰) seeing that your legs were shaky and you couldn't walk and chopper held sanji and put him on the whale "DOES ANYONE HAVE BLOOD TYPE S RH-? PLEASE IT'S SUPER RARE AND NONE OF US HAVE IT" Chopper started screaming from on top of the whale "CAN ANY OF YOU HELP US??" Luffy said as the whale was driving around 


"So Zuriii do you like sanjiiii" nami said to you as you were drinking water (to get all the toxins from the alcohol out)  "Why would you think that?" you asked as you started reading looking at the AMAZING pieces of metal you were lucky enough to find there and even some metal with a bit sea prism stone in it (trying to avoid eye contact cause you to scared she gon find out huh   😏🤨🤨) "Oh maybe because you sneak out of our room and cuddle with him almost every single night" you looked at her shocked and said "HOW DID YOU KNOW, WERE YOU AWAKE THE WHOLE TIME, DID YOU SEE ME??" she looked at you in amusement and said "I didn't know, just a guess" she had a HUGE smirk on her face and leaned forward and said "So, is cuddling the only thing you 2 do?" she said with a mischievous grin "LALALALALALALAAAA" you said trying to block her out "If you two don't wear safty there's a chance you could get pregnant" robin said looking up from her book 

To be continued 

I will continue this with her talking to robin and nami but i got school and stuff so it won't be that soon

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