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I do not own One Piece nor the video above or below BUT HAPPY BDAY FRANKYYY


🎉✨ It's Mihawk's and Shank's Birthdays ✨🎉 too but who cares 😏✌🏽

(My ^ two lover boys ^ i just love all swordsmen)

You and Zoro finished your reps and you two were just chilling and talking quietly to make sure you didn't wake Zy up and later in the day Dia came up to wake up Zy because they were gonna surprise Franky and Usopp was helping them so they slowly crept out of the birds nest and went down to where frankys room was Usopp gave them some party popers and took one for himself "3, 2, 1!" Usopp whispered and they all popped their poppers "HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE FRANKY!"  Franky shot up and then started laughing "SUPERRRRRRRRR" they all said at the same time "Aw Thanks Guys" Franky said smiling "We got you a present too, Usopp let us help him make it!" Said Zy as Usopp brought out a white box and curious Franky opened the box "Burgers, HOTdogs, PORK, FRENCH fries, AND COLA!" Zy and Dia smiled "MHM!!!" said Zy "Now we can have a Barbecue or maybe a Cookoff" said Dia looking at the food inside there (there wasn't just the foods Franky named there was wayyyy more) ""Oooh smart Dia" said Usopp looking at the food then Dia, Usopp, and Zy got picked up from the ground and put in a breathe taking embrace "Thanks guys." said Franky Happy as ever "YOUR WELCOME!" said Zy happily "You're smooshing me" said Dia from the middle of the hug making them all laugh "Happy birthday Franky" said Robin walking out of her room which was next to his "I wonder what the surprise is" you said to Zoro since you were in the crows nest the whole time "I'm guessing it's something good" said Zoro casually "I'm gonna head downstairs see you around" you said getting up and walking towards the door and walking down "HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANKYYYY" you said jumping on his back making you, Franky and Usopp laugh and When you saw Usopp holding Zy and Dia you literally eternally scream at how cute Usopp was when he flexed "Mi Amor~~~~~" said Sanji walking down the hall then frowning seeing you talking to Usopp and Franky "Happy birthday Franky!" said Sanji casually "Thanks Sanji, can we use the grill later?" said Franky smiling "Yeah sure uhmm does any of the food you have need to be refrigerated?" Sanji said (Usopp got the food from the island they were on last) "Yeah Thanks!" said franky giving Sanji the box "Woah this is a lot of food" said Sanji looking at the box "UH HUH WE HAD TO HELP USO-" said Zy but Dia shut his mouth so he couldn't finish "Yeah we had to help Usopp pick out what foods went in the box" Dia finished making everyone laugh because they knew he wasn't going to say that "I'm gonna go take a shower" you said walking away "Okay see you when your done" said Usopp smiling and wrapping his arm around frankys shoulders causing Franky to bend down "Shes cute isn't she, Sanji you're a lucky man" said Usopp watching you walk away "I know she's the most pretty being you'll ever meet" said sanji watching you and smiling "Well! if you break up with her make sure to tell me since i am her bestie" Usopp said smiling sympathetically "HA! Like i'll ever make that mistake plus she would come straight to you or Zoro if i did" Sanji said laughing  "Well kids lets go wake up luffy so we can play okay" Said Usopp to franky and the kids "OKAY!" Said Zy wide awake "Alright" said a tired Dia and Franky in unison then Sanji put the food away and went to the bathroom to see you were taking a shower and shut and locked the door "Uhmm who is it" you said from in the shower and Sanji opened the curtain and door and smirked "Uhhhhh Sanji i'm taking a shower..... WHAT ARE YOU DOING" you said as he gets in with you "What??? i can't take a shower with my wife?" said Sanji touching your waist "No! not when you're like that!" you said grabbing his hands "Like what?" said Sanji pushing you against the wall "✨H-O-R-N-Y✨" you said as he licked your neck making you moan a bit "But Princess~" Sanji said sitting on his knees (He still had his pants on btw" "No!! Get out!" you said and the he grabbed both your thighs "Yes." he said making you look at him scared "Uhm Sanji are you ok" you said as he slammed you against the wall "You will obey me and do as i say since you are the one who wanted another child" sanji said moving your hair "What do you mean i was just joking!" you said holding onto his shoulders to gain balance "I will grant you all your wishes." said Sanji moving his hands to your waist "Sanji no. It's morning. We can do this later." you said as he put his head on your shoulder "No. we're doing this now. plus you're way to hot when you're wet" (he said as he threw his pants and boxers outside) you looked at him shocked "Stop, Sanji. We can't do this now and in here" you said Pushing him off of you Sanji smirked and pinned you on the ground "I said you will obey me. Not the other way around." said Sanji as he stuck it in "No Sanji-- St-" he smacked his lips against yours making you stop and holding you there then he stopped this kiss for air "Now, Zuri. will you be a good Kitten or not." he smirked "San-" he interrupted you "Daddy." he demanded "Daddy. you're Horny. please stop." you said grabbing his thigh "Fine, but since you disobeyed you will obey me tomorrow morning, and this is only cause it's Frankys birthday" he said as he licked your inner thigh and helped you up you smiled as he took it out he and you took a regular shower and then changed clothes Then you went to the crows nest to see Zoro sleeping and since he's so adorable just lieing down there sleeping you decided to lie on top of him and soon you fell asleep 

Zoro's pov (yes i'm doing his POV for a second

Zuri left and went to hang out with the rest of the crew so i decided to go back asleep then about an hour or 2 later i feel someone lie down on me which woke me up so i opened my eyes to see Zuri and damn is she hot right now but  i know i shouldn't be liking her because she's assbrows wife and has two kids but.. whats the harm of liking her...


"MAWMAAAA It's breakfast time" Zy said shaking you "Ok" you said yawning and saw that Zoro was awake and sitting up causing your head to lay on his crotch "OMG ZORO, I'M SO SORRY" you said causing Zoro to jump "It's fine you act like this hasn't happen before" Zoro said making you turn red and him smirk a bit "C'MON WE GOTTA GO" said Zy dragging you out "Bye~" said Zoro laughing "HEY USOPP I CAPTURED THE TEST SUBJECT!" Said Zy causing Usopp to face palm '"She's not a test Subject we just wanted her to try it first" he said as everyone else laughed "Damn is Usopp rippeddddd" you thought to yourself causing you to laugh but everyone was already laughing so it wasn't unusual you guys had the best Cookoff ever and in the end you all ate the food you made and if it was cooked wrong then you kept it to be bait for fish or beasts 

Usopps Pov 

ZURI'S MY BEST- DAMN IS SHE HOT BUT SHE'S MY BESTFRIEND AND NO MATTER WHAT I'LL BE THERE TO COMFORT HER AND HER KIDS... I'm not so sure if Sanji can keep this relationship intact and i have a bad feeling he's just using her for whenever he's horny.... BUT WHO KNOWS MAYBE HE LOVES HER

Sanji's POV

I love Zuri... But I also Love Nami I don't know who i love more plus if i did end up getting with Nami then she'd be mad i broke up with Zuri but I love her a lot but i also love Zuri... UGHHH



To be Continued 

Do you like your crewmates and did Sanji get you pregnant We'll see, in the next episode of Heart fun DUN DUN DUN -Author San😏✌🏽 💪🏽😂

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