I told you to use safety 😑😓-Robin

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You and Zoro went out of the birds nest Zoro carried you because you couldn't get up "SANJI!" you heard Nami scream from her room you and Zoro exchanged looks of annoyance as Zoro set you down then Usopp walked outside and stretched then walked up to you and Zoro "Good morning!" he said to you two "I'm going back to sleep" Zoro said yawning "Good morning Usopp! Uhmmm so i wanted to make something but i wanted to get you and Frankys opinion on it.. OH AND ZOZO!" (Yes i officially nicknamed him Zozo) Zoro turned to face you "Can you give me your opinion too... since it it is a sword?" He looked at you for a second then shrugged "Sure" Usopp smiled as you turned to face back at Usopp "I'll do it" you smiled and walked towards your office while you were walking you ran into franky and he joined you three once you got there you got out your work-in-progress sword "Sooooo, this is the sword... it's not done yet but it'll be done by today i just wanted to show you three since it's almost done" you gave franky the sword and he attempted to break it in half but the sword didn't budge "Woah this sword sure is strong" Usopp looked at it smirking "It looks cool too" Zoro held it and grinned "It's a very tough sword to wield too" He gave it to Usopp who struggled to hold it cause it was so heavy "ZURI HOW DID YOU EVEN MANAGE TO LIFT THIS THING" you, zoro, and franky burst out into laughter as Usopp held it as if it was a 200 pound weight "Jeesh!" Usopp exclaimed as he held it "USOPP, FRANKY WHERE AREE YOUU" you three heard luffy exclaim from outside "COMING" Franky and Usopp said they both looked at you and Zoro and smiled after Usopp set the sword down they ran outside to join Luffy Zoro looked back at you then yawned "Hey when your done with the sword tell me so i can test it out... you know where i'll be at" then he left to go back to sleep in the birds nest a couple hours past as you were finishing the sword then you took a break to rest then your stomach started hurting and you felt like puking so you went to the bathroom a couple seconds after you started puking and since Choppers office was right by the bathroom he walked in to check on you since he knew you walked in a second ago "ZURI! ARE YOU OK DO YOU NEED ANY HELP" He said going in to heavy point and lifted your hair out the way "Uhmm ill just take a checkup to see whats going on" you said getting up and flushing the toilet "Okay after you're done come to my office" he left then you took a shower, put on clothes, and brushed your teeth then you went in his office and smiled sadly "Okay sit down and breathe in and out for me okay" he said standing on his step and getting out his stethoscope he checked your heart beat then did all the other stuff he would do when he gave people checkups (What! i'm not no doctor don't expect me to know what those tool thingys are called jeesh lol) "Hmnnn" he said a bit confused "take this pregnancy test and follow the instructions" he said as he gave you a box of pregnancy tests "Ok.." you said a bit scared you went to the bathroom and took the pregnancy test but you had to wait 2 minutes for it to say if you were prego or not  

~2 Minutes Later~ 

"Chopper!" you said walking over with the test he read the test with a worried expression pasted on his face "Sooooo am i pregnant..." Chopper looked at you with a smile "Uhm yes..." you smiled then started crying feeling that Sanji would hate you "It's ok!" Chopper said smiling you left the room and left to the birds nest Zoro looked at you confused seeing you crying then he hugged you "What's wrong this time" he said as he kept hugging you "I'm pregnant.." you said in between tears "It's o- WAIT WHAT!?" he said as he started shaking you by the shoulders "WHO'S THE DAD WHOEVER IT IS I'M GONNA BEAT THE HELL OUT OF THEM DO YOU EVEN WANT THE BABY I PROMISE I WILL BE THE BEST UNCLE EVER IF YOU DO" he said shaking you "Please stop shaking meeee" you said as a little giggle came from your mouth "WHO'S THE DAD!?" he stopped shaking you and looked at you worried then you looked down guilty "...He'll... be mad at me..." you said simply "I can take his place if he is" Zoro said smiling honestly "Sanji's... the dad" Zoro looked mad... no he looked pissed "I swear if he asks for you to have an abortion or ignores you i'll kill him" He mumbled but you heard him since he was right by you then you looked at him and smiled then when he noticed you looking at him he smiled back and gave you a hug "Don't worry i bet Shitty cook will love you and his child no matter what and like i said if he asks for you to have an abortion or ignores you at all... i'll kill him" you smiled "Thanks Zoro.. your the most trustworthy friend i could ever ask for (what Usopps a liar lmao but he is still her bestfriend)" you and him smiled at each other then you realized you had to tell Usopp and robin "Oh my look at the time i gotta go bye!" Zoro looked confused but you quickly went downstairs and ran into Robin reading her book "THANK GOODNESS I FOUND YOU" you said grabbing her wrist and dragging her downstairs to the aquarium place "Why am i here?" she said confused and to your luck Usopp was down there chilling "USOPPP!" you said he stood up as you hugged him "Ok i got some news to break" you said smiling a bit "Good or bad??" Usopp said smiling as him and Robin sat down "Uhmmmm you can make that decision after i tell you the news" Usopp smiled and you stood there so the dramatic pause could expense "Ok, so chopper told me to take a Pregnancy Test... and it came out positive!" you said looking at them for their responses Usopp jumped up and hugged you "THAT'S AWESOME I'M GONNA BE THE BABYS FAVORITE UNCLE JUST WATCH!" You and him laughed then you two looked at robin after Usopp let go of you " *sigh* I don't want your baby to be born on a ship and have a chance of dieing. I told you to use safety and you didn't listen, what if your baby dies or even worse before you give birth to it you get killed huh?" you looked at her sadly "HEY THIS IS GOOD NEWS DON'T BE RUDE TO HER!" Usopp said mad "Usopp... she's right." you said now on the verge of crying Usopp looked at you then hugged you "well, i guess that means we'll just have to protect you even more and you will have to be less reckless, plus i can't wait to see a little Zuri or Sanji running around the ship with Usopp, Luffy, and chopper" Robin said smiling you looked at he and immediately brightened until Usopp stopped hugging you and his expression changed to shock "Wait Sanji's the dad!?" you and Robin started laughing "Oh yeah i forgot to tell you that" Usopp then joined in then you told Nami who said that she was expecting this to happen and after that you told franky who immediately smiled and said I'M GONNA BE A SUPERRRRR UNCLE and he started working on making baby furniture and toys and Usopp did the same then you told Luffy and Chopper who Just ran around ecstatically and started screaming YAYYYYYYY WE'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY and Brook said "I'm going to make the most beautiful lullaby in the world for the most beautiful baby that i'll ever see oh wait.. i don't have eye's YOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO" luckily Sanji was cooking and couldn't hear them scream that much so you went in the kitchen "Sanji..." you said peeking into the kitchen "Good morning Mi Amor" he said while cooking breakfast you walked up to him "Can i use the Kitchen when you're done" Sanji looked at you confused "Why can't we cook together" he said frowning a bit "Becauseeee i got a surprise for you" he smiled then turned back around towards the food "Okayyyy" he said as he continued cooking later when he was done cooking and you guys finished breakfast you told everyone to get out and that you were making something luckily sanji had different recipes for deserts and meals so you looked at the desert recipes till you found a strawberry shortcake recipe you followed the instructions then put it in the oven for 2hrs and 30min then when it was done you decorated it and with the strawberries you "Wrote?" I'm Prego "GUYSSSS I'M DONEEEE NAMI YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!" you said as you walked in front of the kitchen door nami blindfolded Sanji and made sure she walked in there last and you made sure luffy didn't eat the cake "Woah you really did work hard in here" Zoro whispered in your ear "Yeah Zozo bet you couldn't make it as good as i did" Zoro chuckled a bit "Ok 3, 2, 1. Take off the blindfold" nami took off the blindfold and everyone looked at Sanji to see his reaction "Wait? who's the dad" he said with a awkward smile "Who's do you think the dad is?" you said smiling "Wait.. for real.. it's mine" he said with tears of joy "YAYYY Ok can we eat the cake now?" Luffy said enthusiastically which made you all burst into laughter  "Yes Luffy we can eat the cake now" you said laughing Zoro sat next to you and put some frosting on your nose "MOSSHEADDDD THAT'S MY BABY DON'T TOUCH HER!" Sanji said pushing Zoro out his chair "OW WHAT WAS THAT FOR YOU BASTARD!" Sanji and him kept fighting as Usopp slyly took you away from that situation and you two brought some pieces of cake outside "Ugh no matter what the situation they still fight" Usopp chuckled "Don't they think it's getting annoying" you chuckled along with him "I'm gonna be the best uncle out of everyone on this ship" He said with a grin bigger then his nose "I bet you will be" you said smiling back later everyone came outside and celebrated and that was that

~7 months into your pregnancy~ 

Sanji and the rest of the crew except Chopper and Usopp were out shopping or getting stuff they needed.

"Hey chopper have you found the gender out yet" you said smiling in Choppers office "Uhmmm well I have and to my surprise... there's two babys in your belly" he said smiling "What!???" you and Usopp said in unison "THAT'S AWESOME" Usopp exclaimed "Well that explains why my bellys so big  😕" you said as Usopp and chopper were jumping around happily "Sooo whats the gender of my babies?" Chopper stopped jumping and smiled "Ones a girl and ones a boy" Again you and Usopp where shocked "SO COOLLL" You heard Luffy say... "LUFFY WHERE DID YOU COME FROM" Luffy smiled as you choppers and Usopps jaws dropped "I got bored so i came back to the ship 😁" you three started laughing as Luffy just smiled "So does that mean a little Sanji and Zuri are gonna be running around the house?" Chopper smiled as you and Usopp burst into laughter "Uhmm yes but no" Chopper said smiling when the rest of the crew came backyou broke the news everyone was shocked except Zozo and Robin who just shrugged 

To be continued


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