Caibidil Three

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There was a long silence that pierced the Villagers' self-esteem. The Búian had begun. It was time for a human to be chosen. While many had prepared their lives for this, none of them couldn't agree more to the fact that they were going to die. The tension of fear, anger and misery towards the Fathachs were burning brightly among themselves.

The anticipation was beginning to heat up. Each of them stood around the stage, looking upon their village chief and the giant raven, meant as transportation to Diatalamh, neighboring country of Duine in which the three gods lived. Each chosen Pilgrim would travel to Diatalamh to undergo the pilgrimage to the sacred Tine and become the Níos Cineálta, the Kindler or die trying. The title as Kindler had many names- the Luaith Rí, the Aibhleog Thiarna, the Roghnaithe Dóire- but all held the same meaning. Their clan had been chosen as the second tribute to undergo the pilgrimage to be sacrificed to a holy flame.

It mattered not who or what the next tribute would be. Their neighboring kingdom's royal heirs have been volunteered to be a tribute, which caused many opinions to form- many viewed it as a relief that they were given a few more years to live while the Kingdom viewed it as a disaster. All that did matter was to pray that they will not be chosen. Someone would have to been but many had families, jobs or their own personal needs. This day was their reminder they were prey to the flame, tools of the Giants and lowly, weak humans.

The village elder stood and silenced the crowd to begin the Búian. The traditional story was about to begin. Many had heard this tale countless time but none didn't care to listen with the exception of this day. The crowd wished to show their signs of dislikement of the story but they had no choice but to listen about their fate. Young Edwyn began to listen.

Jötuun signaled the Village Elder, Crann Cuinn to commence the story. Crann Cuinn, an ancient but wise man stood with the assistance of Creidimh. Edwyn recalled the tales that the other elders have told about Crann Cuinn, who used to be a Gallowglass in his prime and was a tribute himself. Edwyn have seen pictures of Crann Cuinn when he was young. Brown hair as colored as the giant oak trees, deep jade-jeweled eyes, rugged appearance which made the girls of his generation swoon over him. Once a great man but now old and awaiting Arawn's invitation. Crann began the story.

"Although the story has been told countless times, I am assure I am aware, it is an important part of our culture and must be recognized with respect. Long ago, before the birth of Man, there were Three Giants who descended into Godhood with the power of three black flames, enfueled by their own souls, suited for each of the tree. These flames granted marvelous abilities to each of them, in which they used to defeat their enemies, the dragúns. With their respective armies, they slaughtered and slain the winged beast and conquered their land. Together, they forged the mighty kingdom we know today as Diatalamh, which is known as Godland. The home to Lord Sol, he created his majestic city Ulubin, where his two children Ghealach and Ghrian became his Vassals of the kingdom, each governing the two districts of the city. Arawn took refuge in the dark land underground, far beneath the Abhartach where he lived in solitude with his vast servants of the grave: Banshees, Caoránachs, Dullahans, Fear Gortas, Fetches, Sluagh, Deamhans, and finally Hallows. Tine, the creator of Fire and the mother of all witches took refuge in the swamp, where they mastered their skills of Pyromancy and taught their human pupils the master of the Fire Arts. Together, they created The Age Of Light and bought us out of Quiloth, The Great Tree. We have been chosen by Jötuun, Lord Sol's commander of his once legendary army to granted a Ogleddian to take part of The Kindler's Path, a Pilgrimage to the Sacred Tine. Other countries of Duine have sent their representatives and now it is time for Ogledd to send theirs. One of you will be chosen to become a Pilgrim. Only one of the countries representative will become the Kindler Of Tine."

The silence returned again. Edwyn looked upon Jötuun, who he could swear he saw him smirk with delight as the Ogleddians around him began to quiver in fear; A widowed mother was almost on the verge of breakdown as her three children held one another tightly. One of Edwyn's peers, a Gallowglass-in-training named Rohan held a hard face as he was ready to strike someone down with his Javelin. Edwyn's peers had been preparing for this all their lives. Every one had lost their innocence on the day they were born. All their lives they had to quickly grow up and become of age to be the best. All expect Edwyn who couldn't be allowed to choose what he wanted to do since he was no honor within himself nor his clan.

Jötuun then spoke up. "It is time for a human to be chosen. As my role of my Lord Sol, I will pick a human to be the representative. Good luck Ogledd. May the Gods bless your lives... Hahaha!"

Everyone quickly frozen in place as Jötuun grinned down upon the frightful humans. Few began to pray. Someone had committed suicide but no one paid any attention. A infant had begun to cry but was whipped into silence by a hard rope. Jötuun smiled even more in delight.

His right hand floated over many heads. The heat had began to flare among the crowd. Fear and pure anger was pounding in their blood as their hearts beated faster. Edwyn had already felt the anxiety the people around him were casting. Edwyn understood the fear but he was a master at keeping calm. He didn't mind if he was chosen himself. The only thing that matter to him was his sister living.

It was at that faithful moment Jötuun had chosen a human. His thick, hard hands had offered the infant from the widowed mother. The mother, with eyes frightful of fear began to break down. Her screams of agony and reliance filled the air, which angered the northern giant.

"Baintreach Máthair! Your child has been offered to your country's pilgrim! Hand it over before I chose you over the child!!!"

But the mother would not let go. She began to scream back, a foolish act of bravery. An act that impressed a few others.



Panic was about to interrupt. A massacre was about to begin if they did not hand over the baby. A few men try to take the child away from the widow but she wouldn't let them. Edwyn didn't know what he should do but he decided to do something worth idiotic and brave.

"I volunteer as a pilgrim, on behalf of Miss Roisin and and her child, Finn Borran!"

Everyone, including Jötuun, looked upon at Edwyn, the frail and the Ashamed son. No one didn't know whether to mock Edwyn or clap in his bravery. Roisin looked at him with a mixture of disgust and gratitude towards the young boy. A few boy began to yell in anger and mockery but Every one couldn't care less. Jötuun looked at Edwyn with a strange look.

"Interesting... A human boy, offering as tribute to a father-less child.. Young man! You should be aware that you are the first to volunteer yourself to be a Pilgrim. No one has ever done this in centuries, nor has it been stated in the rules. I will not turn down this offer so you have now been accepted as Ogleddian's pilgrim. Edwyn, isn't it? You have a day to say your goodbyes to your love ones and collect your things. The Buían is now over!"

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