Caibidil Five

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The Hallow Slums may looked like a ghetto to humans but many Hallows looked upon at it as a haven. It was nothing more than a murky, almost marshy land with dead rotting trees. Almost swampish, the land was mostly misty and humid. While it was not a great place to live, the residing Hallows did found comfort in their home, considering they were away from human society. Most of the Hallows were former humans themselves.

Hallows were Undead beings, once former humans but now they have lost their humanity but still have will intact. They still had their skin but it was nothing more than a dirty reddish-copper color and had a cracked blood-red circle called Wisp, a symbol that marked them as Undead. Wisp was considered a cursed disease to the humans and had no origin. Because of this, humanity held deep prejudice towards the once former humans and treated them all like tools. Enslaved by the mercy of humans, Hallows were mostly forced to do most of labor, due to the fact their human masters were selfish, greedy, cruel and lazy.

Over time, as most Hallows were living with their human master and some were escaping, Ogledd's Empire came up with the idea to give the Hallows their own home, supervised by Gallowglasses. In a commonable sense, the Empire gave the Hallows the worst piece of land with barely any resources to sustain themselves but somehow, the Hallows managed to adapt to the environment and thrive, despite the crowded conditions and what little money the Empire supported them. A few Humans took pity upon them and spare them with what degrading tools and low-quality supplies they gave but the Hallows harden their hearts and took pride in who they are and the situation they were in. While they were grateful for the humans help, not one held any enjoyment being with them and most went on hunts to lynch unsuspecting humans.

Edwyn had walk through the mud and marsh to reach the city, which he stood in front of the gates. The Gallowglasses weren't from his village. Instead they were from the capital, noticeable thanks to the blue-outlined Bear crest. Edwyn only had tonight to find his Hallow slave who would be willing to not only assist him on his travels but as well as teach him the way of the swords. The Gallowglasses had blocked the gate with their axes.

"State your business, serf!", one barked.

Edwyn stepped forth. "I'm looking to find a Hallow, sir. I have been chosen as Ogledd's second pilgrim," Edwyn replied as he shown the guard his papers and the black mark around his right wrist. Jötuun had already marked him his wrist so that he couldn't track him in case he ever get the idea that he could escape his fate. The Gallowglasses permitted his entry into the slums as Edwyn walked in to find his slave. He wasn't sure where to start as he walked down a street that smelled of filth and what he hoped wasn't francach droppings.

A few Hallows looked right at him, some with disgust, others with caution as he wandered down the dirty, crampt streets, wide as alleyways. It wasn't common for a human walking into a street full of Hallows. Edwyn didn't like the looks the Hallows were giving him but he was used to it. At the very least, he was recieving attention from the Hallows, unlike the people at Ogledd who no one wanted him around their places and was usually ignored. But either way, Edwyn was also an outcast among his peoples' slaves.

It was then Edwyn's stomach growled in hunger. Edwyn stopped dead in tracks. His hunger pains were eating him inside, begging for food. Edwyn knew he had barely any money to buy any morsel and ironically, he was in the middle of a street full of food vendors, in an lowly financial city. Hallows didn't technically need to eat food but Many were afraid some still had the chance to become feral by the thrist of humanity and their souls so humanity sent crops among supplies. Edwyn's best bet to find food was to dumpster diving.

The easy part was choosing a vendor selling good food, a feature Edwyn was decent at, considering most boys his age were good at. The hard part was digging though the garbage. Since Edwyn barely had any muscle mass on his bones, it took awhile to move the bags and opens them for food. The Hallows around him were pointing at him and laughing at the sight of a scrawny human boy, searching for food in the garbage. However, Edwyn considered scavenging one of his best skills; While most boys his age were training to join the army, Edwyn was learning to find the best things out of the trash.

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