Caibidil Six

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The color green was in bloom as the morning sun began to awake among the white pink, staining them pink as peaches. The mud gritted in Edwyn's shoes and Maistír's steel boots were enough to make tracks, entering the village. Both Edwyn and Maistír were tired from their walk. It had taken them all night and none had received any sleep. Maistír was wading off from the alcohol and was starting to get grouchy. And Edwyn was still hungry. At the very least, both had the great feast to look forward too.

Immediately, Edwyn and Maistír entered the local church, the home that Edwyn ever knew. It was rather an old and shabby house with barely anything of value besides ancient copies of books and moth-eaten blankets. Maistír didn't know exactly why he and Edwyn were in the church.

"Hey kid, why are we in a church? Shouldn't we be getting a weapon for you and some armor?"

"I need to collect my things. And say my goodbyes to my sister. She's a druid here of the church," replied Edwyn. Before Maistír could speak anything else, Edwyn quickly ran up his room to gather his belongins. Edwyn's room was nothing more than a doorless, empty room with a piece of cloth for a bed and an pendant. It was Edwyn's only gift that his mother have left for him before she was executed. It had no value as it was just old and rusty necklace. Edwyn was surprised it hadn't been broken yet, considering he had grown up with it. It was all he had left of his mom, before her head was chopped off and her body was fed to dogs. He didn't even knew her name. No one spoke of her because she was a pleasure seeker, which disturbed Edwyn. He grabbed his pendant and tucked it in his pocket and ran downstairs, hoping he would run into Creidimh. The last time he had saw her before he left to the Hallow Slums was her running into the church in angry, not looking back.

Sadly she was no where to be found as he returned to Maistír. "All done?", asked Maistír. Edwyn nodded and together they left the church. No one was at the church, to Edwyn's dismay. He was hoping he would say his goodbyes to his sister before he left today.

Immediately, they decided to rest upon the grassy hill, near the giant raven. As Edwyn began to settle down for the day, he couldn't help but to wonder where his sister was. She was probably doing her duties or collecting medicine. Either way, she would have to stop by sooner or later to wish him goodbye.


"Edwyn, wake up."


"Edwyn sir, wake up. It's time for the feast."

Immediately, Edwyn opened his oak-brown eyes. The sun was close to setting, making him realize that they had slept most of the day. Creidimh still hasn't shown up.

"Is this the first time we have been woken up, Maistír?," Edwyn asked. He was now beginning to wake up.

Maistír was busy cleaning his weapons. "I've been awake since the noon evening. No one hasn't come to us as far as I am aware."

Where was she?!, Edwyn immediately thought.

Time was running out for her. Edwyn had to see her before he would leave. Perhaps she was at the feast, waiting for him.

Together, the two walked towards the sráidbhaile, with Edwyn worried. Maistír could sense his predicament but ignored it as it was his human master's business.

Edwyn had expected everyone to be at his feast before his journey but to his utter shock, only Crain Cuinn was there. No one had attended his feast. Not even his sister.

On the dinner altar however were a small arrangement of the best food Edwyn saw. Venison laid ready to be eaten, Soda bread awaited for the two, along with Colcannon and Boxty. Black pudding and coddle were also there, ending with barmbrack. Edwyn didn't even know where to begin.

Maistír looked at Edwyn and laughed a bit. "You better get some meat on the bone after this, kid. It's going to be your last meal for a very long time."

Crann Cuinn noticed Edwyn as he was seated with them. The two took their respective seats next to him.

"So you are Edwyn's slave, am I correct?", Crann asked.

Maistír didn't say a word but Edwyn answered his question with a solemn nod. Crann looked at Maistír who was getting agitated to Edwyn's curiosity. Crann then smirk at the Hallow and commenced the feast to begin. Since this was Edwyn's last meal, he was allowed to have the most of the meal. Edwyn devoured his first plate on in minutes before Maistír or Crann lifted their utensils. They each stared at Edwyn with shock, which Edwyn then felt embarrassed and ashamed for. No one ever taught him manners since this was his first time sitting at the table.

"Kid... When I saw you for the first time, I thought you were born like that but seeing you now makes me wonder if the kids in entshonalanga could best you in arm wrestles!"

Crann then signed at Edwyn and smiled. "Eat up son. You may not deserve this meal but you do deserve this because of your noble offer, on behalf of the Miss Roisin and her child."

Edwyn then looked at Crann. "Then why haven't they come to join? I volunteered my life for them! No one came to see me or wish me luck. Not even my sister!", Edwyn replied sadly.

Crann decided to stay quiet immediately while Maistír looked at Edwyn with even more shock. "You volunteered to be pilgrim to a family who wouldn't even come to your last meal!!! Wisp take them all!!"

Edwyn then shrank in his seat. He knew they wouldn't come. No one would come to his meals. He was allowed to the meals of the previous pilgrims but he wasn't allowed to sit with the clan. He would be allowed the scraps of the meal which Edwyn enjoyed. He was the honorless, the weak, the prey.


After the great meal, Edwyn was allowed to say his goodbyes. He had donned his new suit or armor and his sword laid ready in his scabbard. Maistír was off drinking with Crann Cuinn. Edwyn wanted to see Creidimh before he sent off. The sun was bleeding off its evening light. On top of a hill, Edwyn could see his male peers hunt for food in packs. No one would answer his questions if he went to ask. He didn't care about them however. He needed go find his sister.

"Where is she?! Oh Creidimh, please show yourself!!!"

It was no wonder that Creidimh was upset with him. She was the only one in the village that actually loved him and gave him comfort. Edwyn never knew his parents and Creidimh was the only family member he had left in each others lives. Creidimh was the only one who gave him the will to live. The one to comfort him during a night of grief and pain when he was whipped. The one who would help him clean his blemishes and scars. The one who would feed him when no one wanted to. The only one who cared about him. And now this would be the last time they would see each other.

He had search high and low to find her. He had looked everywhere and he couldn't find her. No one would help him. He couldn't find her. She was gone.

He left to return for the village. The stars were coming out. It was time for him to leave.

Together with Maistír, the two entered the claws of the raven. Crann had blessed them each with a prayer. Jötuun watched the bird began to take flight as Edwyn and Maistír were beginning to leave Ogledd. Edwyn didn't spot Creidimh as they began to cross the great western sea. Diatalamh, the land of the three gods awaited them.

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