Security Cube

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➳This was inspired by Tubbo's stream yesterday where Ranboo was just holding a dirt block. I thought it would be a cute one-shot.


Phil was used to unusual behavior from his sons. Technoblade, being a piglin hybrid, had some unusual habits because of his hybrid-ness. That's why it didn't surprise Phil when Ranboo unhinged his jaw at dinner.

Phil knew the enderman hybrid was trying to hide that side of himself to fit in. Ranboo went out of his way to act normal around other people. Phil could tell the boy was scared to show his hybrid traits around people he wasn't comfortable with. It made Phil happy that Ranboo was starting to trust him.

Ranboo swallowed 5 baked potatoes in one bite.

"Impressive," Techno said, smirking.

Ranboo turned red, instantly embarrassed. Phil kicked Techno's leg under the table and shot him a glance.

Ranboo started eating the potatoes normally again. Phil could tell he wanted to unhinge his jaw again but was too embarrassed.

"Ranboo it's ok. You can eat how you normally do," Phil said smiling.

Ranboo looked up at the man. He hesitantly unhinged his mouth again, showing rows of sharp, pearly white teeth. He grabbed 5 more potatoes and swallowed them.


After dinner Ranboo left to sleep in his shack outside. Phil had no idea why Ranboo slept there. He had offered a room inside Techno's cottage but Ranboo insisted on sleeping outside. Phil suspected it had to do with his enderman behavior but never pressed.

"Hey... um, Phil. Do you have any gold?" Techno asked. Phil tossed Techno a golden nugget he had mined the day before. Techno squealed with joy. Phil rolled his eyes.

"At this rate, I'm going to be broke soon Techno," Phil said.

Techno ran to a trunk in the living room and took something out. He tossed Phil a nether wart. "Trade." Was all the piglin hybrid said before scurrying away to his room.

Phil pocketed the nether wart. He went around the house cleaning up. Techno tended to leave a mess when he was in a rush. Walking around he saw a familiar leather book. Ranboo's journal! The boy must have forgotten his precious journal. Phil threw on a coat and ran outside to deliver it to the boy.

It was freezing outside. Typical for a night in the Antarctic Empire. Phil knew that enderman could tolerate cold to an extent, Ranboo was only half enderman. The boy could be freezing.

As he approached the shack he heard a noise. It was high pitched and incoherent. Ranboo was standing in the center of the shack making distressed enderman noises to himself as he sorted through chests, looking for something. In his left hand, he clung onto a dirt block.

"Hey, Ranboo!" Phil called.

The enderman hybrid looked up, red and green eyes glowing. He made another enderman noise, which could only be described as a shriek, and teleported in front of Phil. Phil brought out the journal and handed it to Ranboo. The enderman hybrid snatched it from Phil's hand and stored it in his inventory. He was still holding the dirt block. Red and green sparks were flying everywhere as Ranboo calmed down.

Phil waited until Ranboo was stable to talk.

"Um...*enderman noise*... thank you for returning my journal. I thought it was stolen again," Ranboo said. He stared at the floor. He was slightly shivering.

"No problem Ranboo. I'm glad I found it," Phil said.

"I'm sorry for going all enderman on you. I hope I didn't scare you."

"I wasn't scared. Techno sometimes goes rabid piglin on me, which is way more terrifying," Phil said chuckling.

Ranboo moved the dirt block from his right hand to his left hand. A nervous tic.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's the dirt block for," Phil asked Ranboo.

"It um feels nice to have in my hand. Enderman instinct I think. We like to hold things that are important to us. Like the enderman equivalent of a security blanket. Normally it's gifts given to us when we were babies by parents and family. I don't remember my family though-I lost their gifts a long time ago."

"Why's this dirt block important to you?"

"It was um the first gift you ever gave me. I don't know what project we were working on but you gave me this block and I have had it ever since." Small green and red sparks were coming off of the boy. His face was turning red again.

Phil felt his heart melt. Ranboo saw him as a parent! He smiled and pulled Ranboo into a bear hug. "I didn't know me giving you a block meant so much."

Ranboo awkwardly giggled. "Um... I guess it does. I know it's silly enderman instincts and all-"

"It's not silly, it's important to you."

"Thank you, Phil."

"No problem, son, let's get you inside. It's cold out here and I don't want you to be alone."

Ranboo gave Phil a toothy grin and grabbed him. "Hold on!"

Ranboo teleported in a shower of sparks. Phil opened his eyes and was standing in the kitchen of the house.

"Ta-da!" Ranboo exclaimed.

Phil patted Ranboo on the head. He got out the old mattress that Tommy used when he stayed here. It was a bit short of Ranboo's height but the enderman hybrid didn't mind. Phil got out blankets and furs to keep the boy warm.

"Goodnight, son," Phil said as he climbed upstairs to go to bed.

Ranboo made an incoherent enderman noise that sounded a lot like "G'night dadza."

Phil grinned. His hybrid sons were a bit weird, but he loved them for it.

Ranboo One Shots (Ft. Philza and Technoblade)Where stories live. Discover now