Offical Part 2 of Ranboo Grows Wings

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➳A/N: I am sorry for not updating sooner. Please forgive me wattpad gods. 😞🙏I promise there is more good hybrid AU stuff on the way. So much time for so little content... smh. This is all platonic and based on roleplay characters.

Italics: Bird brain

Bold: Enderman brain

Italics and Bold: Both hybrid brains 

TW: Sharp objects


The arctic was finally seeing some better weather. After the big snowstorm that had cooped up Ranboo at Phil and Techno's house, the boy was happy to get outside again. It was in his enderman and bird brain code to be in the outdoors after all.

Phil had decided that they needed to gather wood while it was still nice out incase another snowstorm came through. The man was a bit paranoid in Ranboo's opinion, considering they probably had a good 3 month's supply of wood already. Ranboo couldn't blame the man though, he had heard rumors about him living in a hardcore world for years before he ventured to the SMP (Sovereign Monarchy of the People). Those worlds were the training ground for the strongest warriors known to man. Ranboo was fully aware of how strong Phil and Techno must be. Both could easily kill anything that posed a threat in their path.

Ranboo wasn't sure when he should move back into his shack. He figured he had already overstayed his welcome in the cabin, which he and Techno had nicknamed "The Bird House". He had been avoiding that conversation for days and figured he should bring it up relatively soon.

"Earth to Ranboo," Techno said.

Ranboo's head shot up in surprise. Purple sparks flew off of him. "Hi, sorry."

"No need to apologize. I was just wondering if you want to stick with me when we go into the forest."

"Um... sure! If you don't mind me tagging along."

"I don't mind. Phil and I decided that it isn't a good idea for you to chop wood yet- considering that you still have the mind of a baby bird. Sharp objects and impulsiveness don't mix well together."

"True, true. Is there anything I can do to help though?"

"Just have fun and stay out of trouble. Phil and I can take care of the wood."

"Ok!" Ranboo said. He was secretly grateful that he didn't have to work.



Ranboo teleported around the forest placing dirt blocks down at seemingly random places when his enderman brain told him to. His enderman instincts had returned. Techno had said his bird side had overridden his enderman traits but now that his wings were grown in he would see his enderman traits resurface. It was relaxing in a strange way. Ranboo couldn't teleport long distances like a normal enderman. He could teleport a good ten feet without tiring out. He didn't normally bother teleporting, it always left his skin tingling.

He chirped and trilled and with making the occasional enderman "whoop" sound when he teleported. Back in L'manburg people didn't like his enderman sounds, it scared them because they thought he would hurt them. It felt nice to be able to make his natural sounds.

Ranboo's ears twitched around, alert for any noises that could threaten his family flock.

Ranboo heard a faint hissing coming from the bushes over by where Phil was stacking wood. The enderman hybrid's ears perked up at the sound. He placed the dirt block he was carrying on the ground and teleported towards the sound. There he saw Phil whistling to himself while chopping wood. The man clearly in his own zone.

Ranboo One Shots (Ft. Philza and Technoblade)Where stories live. Discover now