Vampire Ranboo

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A/N: hey y'all my beta reader quit on me. Can we can an F in the chat? (Sorry for any errors because of that!) Also there will be a part 2 of this because it was fun to write. :] EDIT: this is all strictly platonic! (This entire book is platonic one-shots)

TW: Violence, possessive behavior (not in a weird way), mentioned blood, swearing, this is a vampire au so it's gonna be dark.


The L'manburg Public Library was Ranboo's favorite spot to hang out. It was one of the oldest buildings in the city, next to the manors by the coast. The outside of the building was limestone. Pillars supported the structure statues of angels meant to ward off vampires adorned the outside. Looking upon could see a huge stained-glass dome on the top of the building. The landscape around the building was orderly. Shrubs and bushes stood out against the dull landscape L'manburg usually was. Historians had tried to keep it as historically accurate as possible. The inside of the library was even more impressive than the front. Everything was carved in dark mahogany wood. The stained-glass dome was the main source of natural night which was positioned above a giant 14-foot marble statue of an angel. The bookshelves were like balconies, wrapping around the sides of the room up all three levels. The grand staircase was hidden behind the angel statue when someone would walk into the library. It was huge, plenty of people wanted to turn it from a library to a museum but the country refused due to a patron that would risk funding. 

Ranboo was visiting the library again today. He had to "return" some books he borrowed two days ago. Ranboo read through his books fast so he had an excuse to visit the library and the librarian, Phil.

Phil was a kind man. He had bright blue eyes, almost unnaturally blue, and blond hair that almost came down to his shoulders. He always wore a green and white bucket hat, which Ranboo found quite ugly, and a cardigan. He had a fatherly air about him that made up for Ranboo's lack of a real father.

Phil called Ranboo knock off Annie. He wasn't wrong.

"Hello, Ranboo!" Phil said, waving over Ranboo to the library help desk.

Ranboo jogged over. He placed the books on the wooden counter with a thump.

"Woah you go through these fast," Phil said, grabbing them and checking them into the database.

Ranboo shrugged. "Fast reader I guess."

"You and Techno need to have a read-off. I swear you two tackle books at the same pace," Phil chuckled to himself.

Ranboo smiled. "Do you have any recommendations?"

Phil's eyes lit up. "You bet I do!" He placed a "come back later" card on the desk and slid out from behind there. He started walking to the non-fiction section, his feet not making a sound against the tile.

"Non-fiction?" Ranboo asked.

"Yeah! You should learn a bit about the history of L'manburg with the festival coming up," Phil said. He scanned the bookshelves looking for a particular book. "Ah! Here you go, mate."

Phil handed Ranboo a dusty red book. "The Complete and Complicated History of L'manburg and Vampires by Karl Jacobs," He read out loud.

"This looks like a thriller," Ranboo said rolling his eyes.

Phil patted Ranboo on the shoulder. Ranboo fought himself not to lean into the contact. "I'm sure you'll find it interesting."

"If you say so..."

Phil grinned his fatherly smile. "I have some book shelving to do. Want to hang around and read while I do that?"

Ranboo nodded a bit too eagerly. Phil left to go get his book shelving cart and Ranboo settled into a leather chair in a nook between the bookshelves. He blew the dust off the red book and opened it. The pages were yellow. It must have been at least 20 years old. Probably dated but Ranboo supposed nothing much had changed since then.

Ranboo One Shots (Ft. Philza and Technoblade)Where stories live. Discover now