Chapter 1: Onesie

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Logan was cold.

There was no doubt about it, he lacked the warmth of kindness- or at least he thought he did- no. Logan was never wrong, he lacked a sense of kindness at least, he wasn't as caring as Virgil, despite Virgil's mere failed attempts to hide it. He wasn't as selfless as Roman, even though at times the prince did seem quite selfish. But he was never as loving as Patton, Patton had the amazing quality of seeing the best in people- but somehow not himself, something Logan couldn't fathom. Patton was the first to trust and be open to Virgil and though Virgil wasn't happy about it, Patton even opened his heart even more to Dec- Janus. Logan didn't necessarily dislike Janus, but lies and falsehoods did greatly annoy him and he did make what seemed to be a mature choice of avoiding Janus when he could, but Janus did help Thomas and Logan was thankful for that.

The clock read '16:08'. '16:08'. 16. 0. 8. Logan leapt up with instant stress, had he really been brooding to himself for the last 3 hours? How unproductive of him. He remembered that he'd promised to watch 'Inside Out' with everyone before he helped Patton with dinner. Roman, Remus nor Virgil were trusted to cook because the twins almost burnt down the mindpalace and Virgil was too anxious to cook anything but instant noodles so Patton, Janus and Logan rotated between themselves and whoever didn't cook cleaned, that system usually worked unless it was Janus and Logan cooking, which resulted in very awkward small talk which resulted in a very awkward dinner.

As he approached the cinema room, or as Logan preferred to call it "The overly extravagant living room", he hesitated to open the door, but he couldn't understand why, and Logan despised not understanding. But just before he opened the wooden door, someone else opened the door from the other side. Someone wearing a black and yellow pikachu onesie, Logan recognised it to be Patton's, but he believed Patton was slightly too tall for it now and now always wore his grey cat onsie when the chance came up. When Logan finally was not in thought he finally met the face of Janus. "Logan are you alright? You definitely don't seem distant from reality"
Had Logan been in that much thought that he'd ignored almost everything Janus had just said? "I was just in thought, nothing to cause concern" Logan replied but the small change in Janus' posture notified Logan that he was lying, nevertheless both of them sat down, well Logan was about to sit down when the all too familiar question arose "Logan where is your onesie?".

This question used to be just disregarded- until Roman and Logan had a small bet, it was now that Logan regretted agreeing to said bet. It was a challenge between the two of them where Roman wasn't allowed to serenade himself in the mirror every morning and Logan wasn't allowed to do his morning puzzles, to the surprise of everyone, Logan lost after 3 days after he tried to secretly do a sudoku before breakfast- it was Janus that found out and annoyingly chose not to lie. But due to him loosing the bet, Logan had to wear a onesie everytime they all watched a movie together- which was at least 4 times a week, 5 if Thomas was on 'break'.

Knowing it was no use trying to get out of it and knowing Patton was getting impatient, squirming on the seat. Logan snapped into his narwhal onesie, he loved that onesie but it did make him look slightly foolish so he wore it the minimal amount that he could. The movie came on and as per usual Roman began his commentary, which Logan usually joined in with some of the time but Inside Out was different, obviously everyone had noticed how similar their lives were to the concept and honestly Logan couldn't care less. It was the emotions, Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Fear and Anger, as you can probably guess, Logan didn't really understand emotions so he ignored his own, figuratively pushed them away. Not to mention disgust and fear seemed more like instincts than emotions but he'd brought that up before and it was just brushed aside (A sanders side).

So, instead of questioning a movie that was aimed at a younger audience he focused on his surroundings or rather the others around him. They were all in onesies, even Remus, who'd been invited on the condition that he wore a onesie instead of not wearing anything at all although the unsettling realisation hit that he probably wasn't wearing anything underneath, moving on from that thought, Remus' hair seemed the same, messy, however it looked less greasy so Patton or Janus had probably forced him to wash it recently. Next to Remus was Janus, probably because he was the only one willing enough to sit next to Remus. Janus looked happier than he did before, he wore his gloves less which did encourage him to be more honest which to Patton was a symbol of trust, something Logan did somewhat agree with. Patton came next, his usual onesie, his usual mug of hot chocolate and his usual childish smile on his face, same old Patton with his fluffy hair and loving expression, so sweet and naive, so lovable. On the other couch was Roman and Virgil. Roman seemed to switch between various disney onesies, this time choosing Simba from The Lion King, his hair perfectly brushed and his makeup flawless. Virgil was in his skeleton onesie, he'd brushed his hair out of his face so he could watch the movie, but Logan noticed an odd glance at Janus and Remus, probably to make sure they weren't being suspicious.

Although, most of them could live with eachother, Roman and Virgil did everything within their power to avoid Janus and Remus, Remus more easily because he lived distanced away from everyone else because he wasn't quite 'accepted' yet, but Remus was more persistent like a small boy, a small demented boy. Janus was harder to avoid, he was basically part of the family now and after what happened after the wedding. Roman was still hurt, healing definitely, but hurt nonetheless. Virgil had kind of gotten used to Remus, but he just couldn't trust Janus, he couldn't trust Deceit, he couldn't trust a liar. Just his presence alone put Virgil on edge, despite Patton's best efforts to help them settle their differences.

Then finally, Logan looked at himself, on his own separate chair, not watching the movie, just observing everyone around him, just thinking, just thought. Logan had been thinking too much recently, if such a thing was possible. He was always distracted, but when confronted about it, Logan was cold.

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